Source code for breakwater.rubble

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tabulate import tabulate

from .utils.exceptions import InputError, RockGradingError, user_warning, NotSupportedError
from .core.stability import vandermeer, hudson
from .core.toe import toe_stability
from .core.overtopping import rubble_mound
from .core.scour import scour_protection
from .core.bishop import Bishop
from .core import substructure

class RubbleMound:
    """ General Rubble Mound breakwater class

    Makes a conceptual design for the substructure of a rubble mound
    breakwater. The class computes the necessary nominal diameter and
    rock class of the underlayer, and an filter layer if one is needed.
    Depending on the rock class it is possible that a new variant is
    generated, these are identified by an a, b, c or d. In the attribute
    :py:attr:`variantIDs` a list of generated variants is stored.
    Furthermore, it computes the required crest freeboard of the
    breakwater by using the maximum allowed overtopping discharge from
    the LimitStates with the formulas from EurOtop (2018). Additionally,
    the toe of the breakwater is designed with toe stability formula of
    Van der Meer (1998).

    Dn50 : float
        Dn50 of the armour [m]
    Dn50_core : float
        nominal diameter for the stones in the core of the breakwater [m]
    rho : float
        density of the material of the armour layer [kg/m³]
    rho_w : float
        density of water [kg/m³]
    armour_layer : str
        type of armour layer, fully supported armour layers are Rock,
        Xbloc and XblocPlus. Full support means that the rules for the
        underlayer have only been included for these types of armour
        layer. In case another armour layer is used the rule for the
        underlayer, the :py:obj:`filter_rule` must manually be set.
    layers : int
        number of layers in the armour layer
    LimitStates : list
        list of :py:class:`LimitState` ULS, SLS or other defined limit
        states defined with :py:class:`LimitState`. When designing with
        one limit state it must still be entered as a list.
    Grading : :py:class:`RockGrading`
        standard rock grading defined in the NEN-EN 13383-1 or a user
        defined rock grading
    safety : float, optional, default: 1
        safety factor of design (number of standard deviations from the
        mean). Positive values increase the safety, negative values
        decrease the safety of the breakwater
    layers_underlayer : int, optional, default: 2
        number of layers in the underlayer
    slope_toe : tuple, optional, default: (2, 3)
        slope of the toe
    B_toe : float, optional, default: None
        width of the top of the toe in meters. By default the width of
        toe is taken as 3 * Dn50_toe.
    slope : tuple, optional, default: None
        Slope of the armour layer (V, H). For example a slope of 3V:4H
        is defined as (3, 4)
    B : float, optional, default: None
        Crest width [m]
    beta : float, optional, default: 0
        angle between direction of wave approach and a line normal to
        the breakwater (degrees).
    filter_rule : {'Rock', 'Xbloc', 'XblocPlus'}, optional, default: None
        filter rule to use for the substructure of the breakwater, for
        Rock, Xbloc and XblocPlus the correct filter rule is
        automatically selected. In case another type of armour layer is
        used one of these filter rules must be chosen.
    Soil : :py:class:`Soil`, optional, default: None
        by default Soil is None, which means that the geotechnical checks
        are not performed. By specifying a Soil object, the geotechnical
        checks are automatically performed.
    phi : float, optional, default: 40
        internal friction angle of rock [degrees]
    id : int, optional, default: None
        add a unique id to the breakwater

    logger : dict
        dict of warnings and messages
    structure : dict
        dictionary with the computed Dn50, rock class, and average Dn50
        of the rock class for each layer and the toe. This dictionary
        includes all variants, use :py:meth:`get_variant` to get the
        parameters of one specific variant. Alternatively,
        :py:meth:`print_variants` can be used to print the details of
        one, multiple or all variants.
    alpha : float
        slope of the structure in radians
    id : int
        unique id of the breakwater
    variantIDs : list
        list with the IDs of the variants generated for this rubble
        mound breakwater.
    Rc : float
        the crest freeboard of the structure [m]
    width_scour : float
        the required length of the scour protection [m]
    bishop : :py:class:`Bishop`
        the :py:class:`Bishop` that was normative in the computation
    F_norm : float
        normative factor of safety computed with :py:class:`Bishop`

    def __init__(
            self, Dn50, Dn50_core, rho, rho_w, armour_layer, layers,
            LimitStates, Grading, safety=1, layers_underlayer=2,
            slope_toe=(2,3), B_toe=None, slope=None, B=None, beta=0,
            filter_rule=None, Soil=None, phi=40, id=None, **kwargs):
        """ See help(RubbleMound) for more info """
        # if not from RockRubbleMound or ConcreteRubbleMound
        if (not isinstance(self, RockRubbleMound)
                and not isinstance(self, ConcreteRubbleMound)):
            # not called from a child class
            # therefore some attributes must be set
            self.logger = {'INFO': [], 'WARNING': []}
            self.structure = {'armour': {'computed Dn50': Dn50,
                                         'class': None,
                                         'class Dn50': Dn50,
                                         'state': None}}
            self.alpha = np.arctan(slope[0]/slope[1])
   = id
            self.variantIDs = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

        # set attribute of bishop and normative F
        self.bishop = None
        self.F_norm = None

        # set input as private attribute
        self._input_arguments = {
            'slope': slope,
            'slope_toe': slope_toe,
            'B': B,
            'armour': armour_layer,
            'Grading': Grading,
            'Dn50_core': Dn50_core

        # check for supported armour layers, and if filter_rule is set
        supported = substructure._supported_armour_layers()
        if armour_layer in supported:
            filter_rule = armour_layer
        elif filter_rule is None:
            supported_rules = ', '.join(supported)
            raise NotSupportedError(
                (f'Filter rule for {armour_layer} is not implemented, set '
                 f'filter rule to use with filter_rule to {supported_rules}'))

        # set the LimitStates as private attribute to use in plot
        self._LimitStates = LimitStates

        # design the first underlayer of the breakwater
        # rho is the density of the material of the armour layer
        computed_dn_u = substructure.underlayer(
            Dn_armour=Dn50, armour_layer=filter_rule, rho=rho,

        # set empty lists to store design values
        class_underlayer, class_dn_u = [], []
        class_filter, class_dn_f, computed_dn_f = [], [], []

        for i, dn in enumerate(computed_dn_u):
            rock_class = Grading.get_class(dn)

            if rock_class in class_underlayer:
                # if rock class is already in the underlayer there is
                # no need to generate an additional variant
                # new design and values must thus be saved
                new_underlayer = True

                class_dn = Grading.get_class_dn50(rock_class)

                # design a second underlayer/filter layer
                dn_filter_range = substructure.filter_layers(
                    Dn=class_dn, rho=rho)
                for dn_filter in dn_filter_range:
                    if dn_filter > Dn50_core:
                        # computed dn of the filter is larger than the
                        # core, a filter layer is thus needed
                        rock_class = Grading.get_class(dn_filter)
                        if rock_class in class_filter and not new_underlayer:
                            # if rock class is already in the filter layer
                            # there is no need to generate an additional
                            # variant
                            # new design and values must thus be saved
                            class_dn = Grading.get_class_dn50(rock_class)
                            new_underlayer = False
                        # a filter layer is not needed
                        if new_underlayer:
                            # set all values for the filter layer to None
                            # set new_underlayer to False so that this
                            # action is not repeated
                            new_underlayer = False
                            # still designing for the same underlayer
                            # so no need to set new values

        # add underlayer and filter to the structure
        self.structure['underlayer'] = {'computed Dn50': computed_dn_u,
                                        'class': class_underlayer,
                                        'class Dn50': class_dn_u,
                                        'state': 'see armour',
                                        'layers': layers_underlayer}
        if any(class_filter):
            self.structure['filter layer'] = {'computed Dn50': computed_dn_f,
                                              'class': class_filter,
                                              'class Dn50': class_dn_f,
                                              'state': 'see armour',
                                              'layers': layers_underlayer}

        # determine number of variants
        self.variantIDs = self.variantIDs[:len(class_filter)]

        # add generated variants to the logger
        if len(class_underlayer) == 2:
                'two rock classes possible for the underlayer, generated new '
                'variant b')
            if len(class_filter) == 4:
                    'two rock classes possible for the filter layer, '
                    'generated new variant c')
                    'two rock classes possible for the filter layer, '
                    'generated new variant d')
        if len(class_filter) == 3:
                'two rock classes possible for the filter layer, generated '
                'new variant c')

        # design toe of the structure
        delta_rock = (Grading.rho - rho_w) / rho_w

        # make a first estimate for the height of the toe
        h_toe = self._estimate_htoe()

        # set variables to store results from normative LimitState
        Dn50_toe, state_toe = 0, 0

        for i, LimitState in enumerate(LimitStates):
            # get values from the LimitState
            Hs = LimitState.get_Hs(definition='H13')
            h = LimitState.h
            Nod = LimitState['Nod']

            # make first estimate for the water level above the toe
            ht_estimate = h - h_toe

            # use while loop since ht depends on dn50 of the toe
            # first set temporary values for the while loop
            Dn50_toe_temp = 0
            compute_toe = True
            counter = 0

            while compute_toe:
                Dn50_toe_computed = toe_stability(
                        Hs=Hs, h=LimitState.h, ht=ht_estimate,
                        Delta=delta_rock, Nod=Nod)

                # check for convergence
                if (abs(Dn50_toe_computed - Dn50_toe_temp) < 0.05
                        or counter > 50):
                    # value has converged, so break loop

                # replace old value with the new one
                Dn50_toe_temp = Dn50_toe_computed

                # make new estimate for the water level above the toe
                ht_estimate = h - self._estimate_htoe(Dn50=Dn50_toe_computed)

                counter += 1
            # check if computed Dn50 of current LimitState is larger
            # than current normative Dn50
            if Dn50_toe_temp > Dn50_toe:
                # if larger the normative Dn50 must be changed
                Dn50_toe = Dn50_toe_temp
                state_toe = i

        class_toe = Grading.get_class(Dn50_toe)
        class_Dn50 = Grading.get_class_dn50(class_toe)

        self.structure['toe'] = {'computed Dn50': Dn50_toe,
                                 'class': class_toe,
                                 'class Dn50': class_Dn50,
                                 'state': state_toe}

        # determine crest height
        self.Rc, self._state_overtopping = 0, 0

        # check if crest width is more than 3*Dn50 of armour
        if B >= 3*Dn50:
            # no action required
            # get armour_layer
            if armour_layer is 'Rock':
                material = 'armourstones'
                material = 'units'

                (f'Given crest width is smaller than three {material}, it is '
                  'advised to increase the width to at least '
                 f'{np.round(3*Dn50, 2)} m'))

        # convert beta from deg to rad for overtopping computation
        beta = beta * np.pi/180.

        for i, LimitState in enumerate(LimitStates):
            Hm0 = LimitState.get_Hs(definition='Hm0')
            xi = LimitState.surf_similarity(
                alpha=self.alpha, number='spectral')

            Rc_temp = rubble_mound(
                Hm0=Hm0, q=LimitState['q'], xi_m_min_1=xi, alpha=self.alpha,
                beta=beta, gamma_b=1, gamma_v=1, gam_star=1, Gc=B, Dn50=Dn50,
                armour_layer=armour_layer, layers=layers,
                permeability='permeable', safety=safety)

            # check if computed Rc of current LimitState is larger
            # than current normative Rc
            if Rc_temp > self.Rc:
                # if larger the normative Rc must be changed
                self.Rc = Rc_temp
                self._state_overtopping = i

        # now that the toe is designed the width of the toe can be computed
        # check if a width has been given
        if B_toe is None:
            # set toe width to 3 times Dn50
            self.B_toe = 3 * self.structure['toe']['class Dn50']
            # user specified width
            self.B_toe = B_toe

            # check if given width is larger than 3 stones
            if B_toe < 3 * self.structure['toe']['class Dn50']:
                    ('given width of the toe is smaller than three times the '
                     'Dn50 of the toe'))

        # Compute required scour protection
        self.width_scour = 0
        for LimitState in LimitStates:
            w = scour_protection(
                L=LimitState.L(period='Tm'), slope=slope)

            # check if larger than previous value
            if w >= self.width_scour:
                # set w as new width scour
                self.width_scour = w

        # check if a soil has been given
        if Soil is not None:
            # show warning as implementation is not yet verified
                (f'The implementation of Bishop into {type(self).__name__} '
                  'has not yet been verified with an example'))

            # check if called from ConcreteRubbleMound
            if isinstance(self, ConcreteRubbleMound):
                # raise warning that armour is modelled as rock
                user_warning('The armour layer is modelled as Rock in Bishop')

            # compute the height of the breakwater
            h = LimitStates[self._state_overtopping].h + self.Rc

            # compute horizontal length of the slope
            x = slope[1]*h/slope[0]

            # determine number of slices, with slice width of 1 m
            num_slices = np.round(h, 0)

            n = 0.4

            # compute volumetric weights
            gamma_w = rho_w*9.81/1000
            gamma_r = (1-n)*Grading.rho*9.81/1000
            gamma_r_sat = gamma_r + n*gamma_w

            # set variable to store normative factor of safety
            self.F_norm = 10*10

            # iterate over the LimitStates
            for LimitState in LimitStates:
                # create bishop object
                slip = Bishop(point2=(x,h), wlev=LimitState.h)

                # add soil and rock layer
                    gamma=Soil.gamma, gamma_sat=Soil.gamma_sat, c=Soil.c,
                    phi=Soil.phi*180/np.pi, name='Subsoil', ymin=-50, ymax=0)
                    gamma=gamma_r, gamma_sat=gamma_r_sat, c=0, phi=phi,
                    name='Rock', ymin=0, ymax=h)

                # compute factor of safety
                slip.compute(num_slices=int(num_slices), gamma_w=gamma_w)

                # check if normative factor of safety
                if slip.circles[slip.normative].F < self.F_norm:
                    # update normative F and bishop object as attribute
                    self.F_norm = slip.circles[slip.normative].F
                    self.bishop = slip

    def _estimate_htoe(self, Dn50=0):
        """ Method to estimate the height of the toe """
        # set ht variable
        ht = 0

        # get normative layer thickness
        for i, id in enumerate(self.variantIDs):
            # get structure
            structure = self.get_variant(id)

            # get thickness of the layer
            t_armour = self._layer_thickness(
                'armour', self._input_arguments['armour'], structure)
            t_underlayer = self._layer_thickness(
                'underlayer', 'Rock', structure)
            t_filter = self._layer_thickness('filter layer', 'Rock', structure)

            ht_est = t_underlayer + t_filter

            if Dn50 != 0:
                ht_est += np.ceil(t_armour/Dn50) * Dn50

            # check if larger than previous estimate
            if ht_est > ht:
                ht = ht_est

        return ht

    def _validate_variant(self, variants):
        """ Validate the input of the variant

        variants : tuple
            variantIDs given as args input
        # check if a variant is specified
        if not variants:
            # no input is given so get the valid args for variant
            valid_args = self.variantIDs

            # raise error
            valid = ', '.join(valid_args)
            raise InputError(
                'did not specify which variants to plot, possible arguments '
               f'are {valid}')

        # check if input all is in variants
        if 'all' in variants:
            # set specified variants to all variantIDs
            variants = tuple(self.variantIDs)

        # return the variants
        return variants

    def _layer_thickness(self, layer, material, structure):
        """ Compute the thickness of the layer

        layer : {armour, underlayer, filter layer}
            name of the layer for which the layer thickness must be
        material : str
            material of which the layer is made
        structure : dict
            parameters and values (Dn50, Rock class) for one variant

            thickness of the layer [m]
        # check if layer is in structure
        if layer in structure:
            # get number of layers and Dn50 from the structure
            layers = structure[layer]['layers']
            Dn50 = structure[layer]['class Dn50']

            # get the layer coefficient
            kt = substructure.layer_coefficient(
                material, layers=layers, placement='standard')

            # compute and return the thickness of the layer
            return kt*layers*Dn50

            # set layer thickness to 0, as layer is not in the structure
            return 0

    def _layers(self, variantID):
        """ compute the coordinates of all layers

        variantID : str
            identifier of the variant, see :py:attr:`variantIDs` for a
            list of all generated variants.

            coordinates of all layers
        # get structure of the current variant
        structure = self.get_variant(variantID)

        # set empty dict to store coordinates in
        coordinates = {}

        # get the slope
        V, H = self._input_arguments['slope']
        V_toe, H_toe = self._input_arguments['slope_toe']

        # compute constant to transformthickness of layer to x and
        # y coordinates, switched V and H because orthogonality
        transform_x = V/np.sqrt(V**2+H**2)
        transform_y = H/np.sqrt(V**2+H**2)

        # get the height and width of the structure
        height = self._LimitStates[self._state_overtopping].h + self.Rc
        B = self._input_arguments['B']

        # determine thickness of the layers
        t_armour = self._layer_thickness(
            'armour', self._input_arguments['armour'], structure)
        t_underlayer = self._layer_thickness('underlayer', 'Rock', structure)
        t_filter = self._layer_thickness('filter layer', 'Rock', structure)

        if t_filter == 0:
            # add scour protection below underlayer on sea side
            t_scour = 2*self._input_arguments['Dn50_core']
            # filter layer will be used as scour protection
            t_scour = 0

        # compute armour layer
        armour_y1 = t_filter + t_underlayer + t_scour
        armour_y2 = height
        armour_y3 = height

        armour_x1 = -0.5*B - H*(armour_y3-armour_y1)/V
        armour_x2 = -0.5*B
        armour_x3 = 0.5*B
        armour_x4 = 0.5*B + H*armour_y3/V

        # compute line between armour and underlayer
        arm_under_y1 = t_filter + t_underlayer + t_scour
        arm_under_y2 = t_filter + t_underlayer + t_scour
        arm_under_y3 = height - t_armour
        arm_under_y4 = height - t_armour

        arm_under_x5 = (armour_x4 - H*(t_armour * transform_y)/V
                        - t_armour*transform_x)
        arm_under_x4 = arm_under_x5 - H*arm_under_y4/V
        arm_under_x3 = -arm_under_x4
        arm_under_x2 = -H*(arm_under_y3 - arm_under_y2)/V + arm_under_x3

        # compute lower line of the underlayer
        under_y1 = t_filter + t_scour
        under_y2 = t_filter + t_scour
        under_y3 = height - t_armour - t_underlayer
        under_y4 = height - t_armour - t_underlayer

        under_x5 = (arm_under_x5 - H*(t_underlayer * transform_y)/V
                    - t_underlayer*transform_x)
        under_x4 = under_x5 - H*under_y4/V
        under_x3 = -under_x4
        under_x2 = -H*(under_y3 - under_y2)/V + under_x3

        # compute the toe
        Dn50 = structure['toe']['class Dn50']

        # check if armour layer is made out of rock
        # as there is a different toe structure for rock and armour units
        if self._input_arguments['armour'] is 'Rock':
            # compute point where armour layer intersect with the toe
            x = ((abs(arm_under_x2 - armour_x1) * V_toe/H_toe)
                 / (V/H + V_toe/H_toe))
            y = abs(arm_under_x2 - armour_x1)*V*V_toe/(H*V_toe + V*H_toe)

            # determine height of the toe
            htoe = np.ceil(y/Dn50) * Dn50

            toe_low = t_underlayer + t_filter  + t_scour
            toe_top = toe_low + htoe

            toe_x4 = arm_under_x2
            toe_x3 = toe_x4 - H_toe*htoe/V_toe
            toe_x2 = toe_x3 - self.B_toe
            toe_x1 = (toe_x2 - H_toe*htoe/V_toe)

            # change first points of the armour layer
            # so that the armour layer starts at the intersection
            armour_x1 = armour_x1 + x
            armour_y1 = armour_y1 + y

            # armour units
            htoe = np.ceil(t_armour/Dn50) * Dn50

            toe_low = t_underlayer + t_filter + t_scour
            toe_top = toe_low + htoe

            toe_x4 = armour_x1
            toe_x3 = armour_x1 + H*htoe/V
            toe_x2 = toe_x3 - self.B_toe
            toe_x1 = (toe_x2 - H_toe*htoe/V_toe)

        # check if there is a filter layer
        if t_filter != 0:
            # set points of end of the layers
            arm_under_x1 = toe_x1 - 3*structure['underlayer']['class Dn50']
            arm_under_x0 = arm_under_x1 - H*t_underlayer/V
            arm_under_y0 = t_filter

            # compute the lower line of the filter layer
            filter_y3 = height - t_armour - t_underlayer - t_filter
            filter_y4 = height - t_armour - t_underlayer - t_filter

            filter_x5 = (under_x5 - H*(t_filter * transform_y)/V
                         - t_filter*transform_x)
            filter_x4 = filter_x5 - H*filter_y4/V
            filter_x3 = -filter_x4
            filter_x2 = -H*filter_y3/V + filter_x3
            filter_x1 = arm_under_x0 - self.width_scour
            filter_x0 = filter_x1 - t_filter*H/V

            # no filter layer
            arm_under_x1 = toe_x1 - 3*structure['underlayer']['class Dn50']
            arm_under_x0 = arm_under_x1 - H*t_underlayer/V
            arm_under_y0 =  t_scour

            # add scour protection
            scour_x2 = arm_under_x0 - self.width_scour
            scour_x1 = scour_x2 - t_scour*H/V

        # add lines to the coordinates
        # are added from left to right and back
        coordinates['armour'] = {
            'x': [armour_x1, armour_x2, armour_x3, armour_x4, arm_under_x5,
                  arm_under_x4, arm_under_x3, arm_under_x2, armour_x1],
            'y': [armour_y1, armour_y2, armour_y3, 0, 0,
                  arm_under_y4, arm_under_y3, arm_under_y2, armour_y1]}

        coordinates['underlayer'] = {
            'x': [arm_under_x0, arm_under_x1, arm_under_x2, arm_under_x3,
                  arm_under_x4, arm_under_x5, under_x5, under_x4, under_x3,
                  under_x2, arm_under_x0],
            'y': [arm_under_y0, arm_under_y1, arm_under_y2, arm_under_y3,
                  arm_under_y4, 0, 0, under_y4, under_y3,
                  under_y2, arm_under_y0]}

        # check if there is a filter to add to coordinates
        if t_filter != 0:
            # add filter to coordinates

            coordinates['filter layer'] = {
                'x': [filter_x0, filter_x1, under_x2, under_x3, under_x4,
                      under_x5, filter_x5, filter_x4, filter_x3, filter_x2,
                'y': [0, t_filter, under_y2, under_y3, under_y4,
                      0, 0, filter_y4, filter_y3, 0, 0]}

            # add core to coordinates
            coordinates['core'] = {
                'x': [filter_x2, filter_x3, filter_x4, filter_x5, filter_x2],
                'y': [0, filter_y3, filter_y4, 0, 0]
            coordinates['core'] = {
                'x': [scour_x1, scour_x2, under_x2, under_x3, under_x4,
                      under_x5, scour_x1],
                'y': [0, t_scour, t_scour, under_y3, under_y4,
                      0, 0]

        # add the coordinates of the toe
        coordinates['toe'] = {
            'x': [toe_x1, toe_x2, toe_x3, toe_x4, toe_x1],
            'y': [toe_low, toe_top, toe_top, toe_low, toe_low]}

        # return the coordinates of the specified variants
        return coordinates

    def _cost(
            self, *variants, core_price, unit_price, transport_cost,
        """ Compute the cost per meter for each variant

        Method to compute the cost of each generated variant, the cost
        is computed per meter

        *variants : str
            IDs of the variants to plot, see :py:attr:`variantIDs` for
            a list of all generated variants. If 'all' is in the
            arguments, all variants will be plotted.
        core_price : float
            cost of the core material per m³
        unit_price : float
            the cost of an armour unit per m³
        transport_cost : float
            the cost to transport a m³ of rock from the quarry to the
            project location
        output : {variant, layer, average}
            format of the output dict, variant returns the total cost
            of each variant, layer the cost of each layer for each
            variant and average returns the average cost.

            the cost

            if no pricing is included in the given RockGrading
        # check if transport cost have been given
        if transport_cost is None:
            # no cost thus set cost to zero
            transport_cost = 0

        # validate variants
        variants = self._validate_variant(variants)

        # get the grading, and check if the cost has been added
        Grading = self._input_arguments['Grading']

        if 'price' in Grading[list(Grading.grading.keys())[0]]:
            # pricing has been added
            # pricing has not been added, raise error
            raise RockGradingError('There is no pricing in the RockGrading')

        # set empty dict to store the output in
        cost = {}

        # iterate over the generated variants
        for id in variants:
            # get the areas and structure of the variants
            areas = self.area(id)
            structure = self.get_variant(id)

            # iterate over the layers to price each layer
            variant_price = {}
            for layer, area in areas.items():
                if layer is 'core':
                    # core is not included in the structure dict
                    price = ((core_price + transport_cost)
                              * self._input_arguments['Dn50_core'])

                elif (self._input_arguments['armour'] is not 'Rock'
                        and layer is 'armour'):
                    # concrete armour units
                    price = area * unit_price

                    # layer of the breakwater
                    rock_class = structure[layer]['class']

                    # get the price per meter
                    price = ((Grading[rock_class]['price'] + transport_cost)
                              * area)

                # add to dict
                variant_price[layer] = np.round(price, 2)

            # add to cost dict
            if output is 'variant' or output is 'average':
                # add total cost of all layers
                cost[id] = np.round(np.sum(list(variant_price.values())), 2)
            elif output is 'layer':
                # add the cost of each layer
                cost[id] = variant_price
                # invalid input
                raise NotSupportedError(
                    (f'Cost can\'t be exported as {output}, must be variant, '
                      'layer or average'))

        # check if average must be computed
        if output is 'average':
            # compute average cost
            cost = {'average': np.round(np.average(list(cost.values())), 2)}

            # check if the cost have only been computed for 1 variant
            if len(variants) == 1:
                # print user_warning and change key into variant
                cost[variants[0]] = cost.pop('average')
                    ('Computing the average for one variantID, changed key '
                     'average in dict with the specified variantID'))

        return cost

    def get_variant(self, variantID):
        """ Get the dimensions for the specified variant

        variantID : str
            identifier of the variant, see :py:attr:`variantIDs` for a
            list of all generated variants.

            Parameters and values (Dn50, Rock class) for one variant

            If there is no variant with the given identifier
        variant = {'armour': {}, 'underlayer': {}}
        VariantCount = len(self.variantIDs)

        if variantID in self.variantIDs:
            if variantID == 'a':
                key_u = 0
                key_f = 0
            elif variantID == 'b':
                if VariantCount == 4:
                    key_u = 0
                    key_f = 1
                elif 'filter layer' in self.structure:
                    key_f = 1
                    if VariantCount == 2:
                        key_u = 0
                        key_u = 1
                elif VariantCount == 2:
                    key_u = 1
            elif variantID == 'c':
                key_u = 1
                if VariantCount >= 3:
                    key_f = 2
            elif variantID == 'd':
                key_u = 1
                key_f = 3
            raise KeyError(f'Variant with ID = {variantID} is not a variant, '
                           f'generated variants are: {self.variantIDs}')

        # add armour layer
        variant['armour'] = self.structure['armour']

        # add underlayer
        underlayer = self.structure['underlayer']

        for param in underlayer:
            if param == 'state' or param == 'layers':
                variant['underlayer'][param] = underlayer[param]
                variant['underlayer'][param] = underlayer[param][key_u]

        # add filter layer
        if 'filter layer' in self.structure:
            filter_layer = self.structure['filter layer']
            variant['filter layer'] = {}
            for i, param in enumerate(filter_layer):
                # check because values of these are not list
                if param == 'state' or param == 'layers':
                    # no need to use key_f, because constant for all
                    variant['filter layer'][param] = filter_layer[param]
                    # param is list and thus use key_f to get correct value
                    variant['filter layer'][param] = filter_layer[param][key_f]

            # check if valid filter layer or all None
            # slice because last two are state and layers
            sliced_values = list(variant['filter layer'].values())[:-2]
            if not any(sliced_values):
                # all values are None, thus delete filter layer
                del variant['filter layer']

        # add toe
        if 'toe' in self.structure:
            variant['toe'] = self.structure['toe']

        return variant

    def plot(self, *variants, wlev=None, save_name=None):
        """ Plot the cross section of the specified breakwater(s)

        *variants : str
            IDs of the variants to plot, see :py:attr:`variantIDs` for
            a list of all generated variants. If 'all' is in the
            arguments, all variants will be plotted.
        wlev : str, optional, default: None
            label of the :py:class:`LimitState` from which the water
            level will be plotted. If no value is specified the water
            level from the normative limit state is used, which is the
            normative LimitState from the crest freeboard computation.
        save_name : str, optional, default: None
            if given the cross section is not shown but saved with the
            given name

            If no variants are specified or if the label of wlev is not
            a valid label of a :py:class:`LimitState`
            If there is no variant with the given identifier
        # validate variants
        variants = self._validate_variant(variants)

        if wlev is None:
            wlev = self._state_overtopping
            for i, LimitState in enumerate(self._LimitStates):
                if LimitState.label == wlev:
                    wlev = i

        # check if wlev has been changed from LimitState label into index
        if isinstance(wlev, str):
            # wlev is still a string so not changed, which means that
            # the specified wlev is not a specified LimitState
            raise InputError('There is no LimitState with the given label')

        V, H = self._input_arguments['slope']

        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))

        for i, id in enumerate(variants):
            # set subplot
            if len(variants) == 2:
                plt.subplot(1, 2, i+1)
            elif len(variants) >= 3:
                plt.subplot(2, 2, i+1)

            # get the coordinates
            coordinates = self._layers(id)

            # set xlim_max and xlim_min variable
            xlim_max, xlim_min = 0, 0

            # plot lines
            for layer, lines in coordinates.items():
                plt.plot(lines['x'], lines['y'], color='k')

                # check largest value for xlim
                if np.max(lines['x']) >= xlim_max:
                    # set max as xlim_max
                    xlim_max = np.max(lines['x'])

                # check smallest value for xlim
                if np.min(lines['x']) <= xlim_min:
                    # set min as xlim_min
                    xlim_min = np.min(lines['x'])

            # bottom + wlev
            x_wlev_max = 0.5*self._input_arguments['B'] + H*self.Rc/V

            plt.axhline(y=0, color='k', linewidth=2)
                y=self._LimitStates[wlev].h, xmin=xlim_min*1.2,
                xmax=-x_wlev_max, color='b')
                y=self._LimitStates[wlev].h, xmin=x_wlev_max,
                xmax=xlim_max*1.2, color='b')

            # set xlim and ylim
            ymax = (self._LimitStates[self._state_overtopping].h + self.Rc)*1.2
            plt.xlim(xlim_min*1.2, xlim_max*1.2)
            plt.ylim(-0.5, ymax)

            # add title to the plot
            if save_name is None:
                if isinstance(, int):
                    title = ('Cross section of rubble mound breakwater '
                    title = f'Cross section of rubble mound breakwater {id}'
                name = save_name.split('/')[-1]
                title = f'Cross section of {name}'


            plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')


        if save_name is not None:

    def print_variant(self, *variants, decimals=3):
        """ Print the details for the specified variant(s)

        This method will print the computed Dn50, rock class, average
        Dn50 of the class, normative LimitState for all layers and
        specified variants.

        *variants : str
            IDs of the variants to plot, see :py:attr:`variantIDs` for
            a list of all generated variants. If 'all' is in the
            arguments, all variants will be plotted.
        decimals : int, optional, default: 3
            number of decimal places to round to

            If no arguments are specified
            If there is no variant with the given identifier
        # validate variants
        variants = self._validate_variant(variants)

        # loop over the variants
        for id in variants:
            variant = self.get_variant(id)

            # set the name of the table
            if isinstance(, int):
                table_name = f'  Variant {}{id}'
                table_name = f'  Variant {id}'
            table = []

            # iterate over the layers
            for i, (layer, dimensions) in enumerate(variant.items()):
                if i == 0:
                    # set headers of the table
                    headers = list(dimensions.keys())
                    headers.insert(0, 'Layer')
                # add empty list for each row (layer)
                # print the label of the LimitState instead of the index
                state = dimensions['state']
                index_state = headers.index('state')
                if isinstance(table[i][index_state], int):
                    table[i][index_state] = self._LimitStates[state].label

            print(tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt="github",
            print(f'Rc = {np.round(self.Rc, decimals=decimals)} m, designed '
                  f'with {self._LimitStates[self._state_overtopping].label} '
                   'limit state')

    def print_logger(self, level='warnings'):
        """ Print messages and warnings from the logger

        msg_level : {'info', 'warnings'}, optional, default: 'warnings'
            specify print level, highest level is warnings and lowest
            level is info. Note that the info level will also print all
        # check if correct input has been given
        if level.lower() not in ['warnings', 'info']:
            raise NotSupportedError(
                f'{level} not implemented, must be info or warnings')

        # print logger
        for type, messages in self.logger.items():
            if level.lower() == 'warnings':
                if type == 'INFO':
            if messages:
                for message in messages:
                print(f'no {type.lower()} messages in log')

    def area(self, variantID):
        """ Compute the area of all layers

        Method computes the area of each layer using Gauss's area
        formula. Which is given by the following formula:

        .. math::
           \\mathbf{A}=\\frac{1}{2} | \\sum_{i=1}^{n-1} x_{i} y_{i+1}
           +x_{n} y_{1}-\\sum_{i=1}^{n-1} x_{i+1} y_{i}-x_{1} y_{n} |

        variantID : str
            identifier of the variant, see :py:attr:`variantIDs` for a
            list of all generated variants.

            dict with the area of each layer
        # get the coordinates of the layers
        coordinates = self._layers(variantID)

        # iterate over the layers to compute the area
        area = {}
        for layer, coord in coordinates.items():
            # get the x and y coordinates
            x = coord['x']
            y = coord['y']

            # use Gauss's area formula
            A = 0.5*np.abs(,np.roll(y,1)),np.roll(x,1)))

            # add to area dict
            area[layer] = A

        return area

[docs]class RockRubbleMound(RubbleMound): """ Design a breakwater with Rock as armour layer Makes a conceptual design for a conventional rubble mound breakwater with rock as the armour layer, for one or several limit states. The following computations are performed: - The armour layer is designed with the Van der Meer formulas for deep and shallow water (van der Meer, 1988; van Gent et al., 2003). - The underlayer is designed by using the rules for the underlayer - A filter layer is designed if one is needed, depends on :py:obj:`Dn50_core` - The toe is designed with the toe stability formula of Van der Meer (1998). - The crest freeboard is computed with the formula from EurOtop (2018) - The required width of the scour protection with Sumer and Fredsoe (2000) - If a :py:class:`Soil` is specified, a slip circle analysis is performed with :py:class:`Bishop` .. note:: Depending on the input it might be that more rock classes are possible for the underlayer (and filter layer). In case the upper bound of the underlayer rule results in a different rock class as the lower bound, a new variant is generated. See :py:attr:`variantIDs` for a list of generated variants. .. note:: The notional permeability, P, in the van der Meer formula is set to a constant value of 0.4. This is due to the fact that the substructure of the breakwater will always have an underlayer. Parameters ---------- slope : tuple Slope of the armour layer (V, H). For example a slope of 3V:4H is defined as (3, 4) slope_foreshore : tuple slope of the foreshore (V, H). For example a slope of 1:100 is defined as (1, 100) rho_w : float density of water [kg/m³] B : float Crest width [m] N : int Number of incident waves at the toe of the structure [-] LimitState : :py:class:`LimitState` or list of :py:class:`LimitState` ULS, SLS or another limit state defined with :py:class:`LimitState` Grading : :py:class:`RockGrading` standard rock grading defined in the NEN-EN 13383-1 or a user defined rock grading Dn50_core : float nominal diameter for the stones in the core of the breakwater [m] safety : float, optional, default: 1 safety factor of design (number of standard deviations from the mean) slope_toe : tuple, optional, default: (2,3) slope of the toe B_toe : float, optional, default: None width of the top of the toe in meters. By default the width of toe is taken as 3 * Dn50_toe. beta : float, optional, default: 0 angle between direction of wave approach and a line normal to the breakwater (degrees). layers : int, optional, default: 2 number of layers in the armour layer layers_underlayer : int, optional, default: 2 number of layers in the underlayer vdm : {min, max, avg}, optional, default: max value to return in case both the deep and shallow water formula are valid. min for the lowest value, max for the highest value and avg for the average value, default is max. Soil : :py:class:`Soil`, optional, default: None by default Soil is None, which means that the geotechnical checks are not performed. By specifying a Soil object, the geotechnical checks are automatically performed. phi : float, optional, default: 40 internal friction angle of rock [degrees] id : int, optional, default: None add a unique id to the breakwater Attributes ---------- logger : dict dict of warnings and messages structure : dict dictionary with the computed Dn50, rock class, and average Dn50 of the rock class for each layer and the toe. This dictionary includes all variants, use :py:meth:`get_variant` to get the parameters of one specific variant. Alternatively, :py:meth:`print_variant` can be used to print the details of one, multiple or all variants. alpha : float slope of the structure in radians id : int unique id of the breakwater variantIDs : list list with the IDs of the variants generated for this rubble mound breakwater. Rc : float the crest freeboard of the structure [m] width_scour : float the required length of the scour protection [m] """ def __init__( self, slope, slope_foreshore, rho_w, B, N, LimitState, Grading, Dn50_core, safety=1, slope_toe=(2,3), B_toe=None, beta=0, layers=2, layers_underlayer=2, vdm='max', Soil=None, phi=40, id=None, **kwargs): """ See help(RockRubbleMound) for more info """ # set logger and structure self.logger = {'INFO': [], 'WARNING': []} self.structure = {} # compute angles self.alpha = np.arctan(slope[0]/slope[1]) slope_foreshore = np.arctan(slope_foreshore[0]/slope_foreshore[1]) # set id and variantIDs = id self.variantIDs = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] # compute relative buoyant density delta_rock = (Grading.rho - rho_w)/rho_w # set attribute for vandermeer to check validity # notional permeability is fixed due to substructure self._vandermeer = { 'N': N, 'P': 0.4, 'Delta': delta_rock} # convert single LimitState to list if needed if isinstance(LimitState, list): LimitStates = LimitState else: LimitStates = [LimitState] # set temporary values to check changes Dn50, state = 0, 0 for i, LimitState in enumerate(LimitStates): # design armour layer Dn50_temp = vandermeer( LimitState=LimitState, Delta=delta_rock, P=0.4, N=N, alpha=self.alpha, slope_foreshore=slope_foreshore, val=vdm, safety=safety, logger=self.logger) # check if computed Dn50 of current LimitState is larger # than current normative Dn50 if Dn50_temp > Dn50: # if larger the normative Dn50 must be changed Dn50 = Dn50_temp state = i class_armour = Grading.get_class(Dn50) # check dn85/dn15 range with rosin_rammler M15 = Grading.rosin_rammler(class_=class_armour, y=0.15) dn15 = (M15/Grading.rho)**(1/3) M85 = Grading.rosin_rammler(class_=class_armour, y=0.85) dn85 = (M85/Grading.rho)**(1/3) self._vandermeer['gradation'] = dn85/dn15 class_Dn50 = Grading.get_class_dn50(class_armour) self.structure['armour'] = {'computed Dn50': Dn50, 'class': class_armour, 'class Dn50': class_Dn50, 'state': state, 'layers': layers} # design underlayer, filter layer and crest height super().__init__( Dn50=class_Dn50, Dn50_core=Dn50_core, rho=Grading.rho, rho_w=rho_w, armour_layer='Rock', layers=layers, LimitStates=LimitStates, Grading=Grading, safety=safety, layers_underlayer=layers_underlayer, slope_toe=slope_toe, B_toe=B_toe, slope=slope, B=B, beta=beta, id=id, Soil=Soil, phi=phi, **kwargs) def __str__(self): return (f'id.{}: breakwater with rock as armour layer, ' f'and variants: {self.variantIDs}')
[docs] def cost( self, *variants, core_price, transport_cost=None, output='variant'): """ Compute the cost per meter for each variant Method to compute the cost of each generated variant, the cost is computed per meter. The cost of the rocks must be specified in the RockGrading. If transport cost are not included in the price of rocks or core_price it can be given with the argument transport_cost. Parameters ---------- *variants : str IDs of the variants to plot, see :py:attr:`variantIDs` for a list of all generated variants. If 'all' is in the arguments, all variants will be plotted. core_price : float cost of the core material per m³ transport_cost : float, optional, default: None the cost to transport a m³ of rock from the quarry to the project location output : {variant, layer, average} format of the output dict, variant returns the total cost of each variant, layer the cost of each layer for each variant and average returns the average cost. Returns ------- dict the cost Raises ------ RockGradingError if no pricing is included in the given RockGrading """ # compute the cost of the concept cost = self._cost( *variants, core_price=core_price, unit_price=0, transport_cost=transport_cost, output=output) return cost
[docs] def check_validity(self, decimals=3): """ Check if the used parameters are within the validity range The Van der Meer equations for deep and shallow water are empirical equations, meaning that they are based on experiments. Therefore, the Van der Meer equations are, strictly speaking, only valid if the parameters are within the range of the parameters from the experiments. This method prints a table from which the validity range, used value and if the parameter is within validity range can be read. Parameters ---------- decimals : int, optional, default: 3 number of decimals """ # set table headers = [ 'Parameter ', 'Validity range', 'Used value', 'in range?'] table_vdm, table_toe = [], [] # get the normative LimitState state = self.structure['armour']['state'] state_toe = self.structure['toe']['state'] LimitState = self._LimitStates[state] # check the validity ranges of the van der meer formula for info in self.logger['INFO']: if LimitState.label in info: # msg from the logger with the normative LimitState if 'vandermeer_deep' in info: # vandermeer_deep was used print((' Range of validity of parameters in deep water ' 'formulae by Van der Meer')) # check the slope of the structure slope = self._input_arguments['slope'] table_vdm.append( ['tan(alpha)', '1:6 - 1:1.5', f'{slope[0]}:{slope[1]}']) if slope[0]/slope[1] >= 1/6 and slope[0]/slope[1] <= 1/1.5: table_vdm[0].append('yes') else: table_vdm[0].append('NO') # check the number of waves N = self._vandermeer['N'] table_vdm.append(['N', '< 7500', np.round(N, decimals)]) if N < 7500: table_vdm[1].append('yes') else: table_vdm[1].append('NO') # check wave steepness s_om (based on Tm) s_om = LimitState.s(number='mean') table_vdm.append( ['s_om', '0.01 - 0.06', np.round(s_om, decimals)]) if s_om >= 0.01 and s_om <= 0.06: table_vdm[2].append('yes') else: table_vdm[2].append('NO') # surf_similarity parameter based on Tm xi_m = LimitState.surf_similarity( alpha=self.alpha, number='mean') table_vdm.append( ['xi_m', '0.7 - 7', np.round(xi_m, decimals)]) if xi_m >= 0.7 and xi_m <= 7: table_vdm[3].append('yes') else: table_vdm[3].append('NO') # delta delta = self._vandermeer['Delta'] table_vdm.append( ['Delta', '1 - 2.1', np.round(delta, decimals)]) if delta >= 1 and delta <= 2.1: table_vdm[4].append('yes') else: table_vdm[4].append('NO') # relative water depth at the toe Hs = LimitState.get_Hs( definition='H13') h = LimitState.h table_vdm.append(['h/Hs', '> 3', np.round(h/Hs, decimals)]) if h/Hs > 3: table_vdm[5].append('yes') else: table_vdm[5].append('NO') # notional permeability P = self._vandermeer['P'] table_vdm.append(['P', '0.1 - 0.6', np.round(P, decimals)]) if P >= 0.1 and P <= 0.6: table_vdm[6].append('yes') else: table_vdm[6].append('NO') # armourstone gradation gradation = self._vandermeer['gradation'] table_vdm.append( ['Dn85/Dn15', '< 2.5', np.round(gradation, decimals)]) if gradation < 2.5: table_vdm[7].append('yes') else: table_vdm[7].append('NO') # damage-storm duration ratio Sd = LimitState['Sd'] damage_ratio = Sd/np.sqrt(N) table_vdm.append( ['Sd/sqrt(N)', '< 0.9', np.round(damage_ratio, decimals)]) if damage_ratio < 0.9: table_vdm[8].append('yes') else: table_vdm[8].append('NO') # stability number Dn50 = self.structure['armour']['computed Dn50'] stability = Hs/(delta*Dn50) table_vdm.append( ['Hs/(Delta*Dn50)', '1 - 4', np.round(stability, decimals)]) if stability >= 1 and stability <= 4: table_vdm[9].append('yes') else: table_vdm[9].append('NO') # damage level parameter table_vdm.append(['Sd', '1 - 20', np.round(Sd, decimals)]) if Sd > 1 and Sd < 30: table_vdm[10].append('yes') else: table_vdm[10].append('NO') elif 'vandermeer_shallow' in info: # vandermeer_shallow was used print((' Range of validity of parameters in shallow water ' 'formulae by Van der Meer')) # check the slope of the structure slope = self._input_arguments['slope'] table_vdm.append( ['tan(alpha)', '1:4 - 1:2', f'{slope[0]}:{slope[1]}']) if slope[0]/slope[1] >= 1/4 and slope[0]/slope[1] <= 1/2: table_vdm[0].append('yes') else: table_vdm[0].append('NO') # check the number of waves N = self._vandermeer['N'] table_vdm.append(['N', '< 3000', np.round(N, decimals)]) if N < 3000: table_vdm[1].append('yes') else: table_vdm[1].append('NO') # check wave steepness s_om (based on Tm) s_om = LimitState.s(number='mean') table_vdm.append( ['s_om', '0.01 - 0.06', np.round(s_om, decimals)]) if s_om >= 0.01 and s_om <= 0.06: table_vdm[2].append('yes') else: table_vdm[2].append('NO') # surf_similarity parameter based on Tm xi_m = LimitState.surf_similarity( alpha=self.alpha, number='mean') table_vdm.append( ['xi_m', '1 - 5', np.round(xi_m, decimals)]) if xi_m >= 1 and xi_m <= 5: table_vdm[3].append('yes') else: table_vdm[3].append('NO') # surf_similarity parameter based on Tm-1.0 xi_m_min_1 = LimitState.surf_similarity( alpha=self.alpha, number='spectral') table_vdm.append( ['xi_m_min_1', '1.3 - 6.5', np.round(xi_m_min_1, decimals)]) if xi_m_min_1 >= 1.3 and xi_m_min_1 <= 6.5: table_vdm[4].append('yes') else: table_vdm[4].append('NO') # wave height ratio Hs = LimitState.get_Hs( definition='H13') wave_ratio = LimitState['H2_per']/Hs table_vdm.append( ['H2%/Hs', '1.2 - 1.4', np.round(wave_ratio, decimals)]) if wave_ratio >= 1.2 and wave_ratio <= 1.4: table_vdm[5].append('yes') else: table_vdm[5].append('NO') # Deep-water wave height ratio h = LimitState.h table_vdm.append(['Ho/h', '0.25 - 1.5']) try: deep_water_ratio = LimitState['Ho']/h table_vdm[6].append(np.round(deep_water_ratio, decimals)) if deep_water_ratio >= 0.25 and deep_water_ratio <= 1.5: table_vdm[6].append('yes') else: table_vdm[6].append('NO') except KeyError: table_vdm[6].append(f'Ho not in {LimitState.label}') # armourstone gradation gradation = self._vandermeer['gradation'] table_vdm.append( ['Dn85/Dn15', '1.4 - 2.0', np.round(gradation, decimals)]) if gradation >= 1.4 and gradation <= 2: table_vdm[7].append('yes') else: table_vdm[7].append('NO') # core material - armour ratio Dn50 = self.structure['armour']['computed Dn50'] Dn50_core = self._input_arguments['Dn50_core'] ratio_core = Dn50_core/Dn50 table_vdm.append( ['Dn50-core/Dn50', '0 - 0.3', np.round(ratio_core, decimals)]) if ratio_core <= 0.3: table_vdm[8].append('yes') else: table_vdm[8].append('NO') # stability number delta = self._vandermeer['Delta'] stability = Hs/(delta*Dn50) table_vdm.append( ['Hs/(Delta*Dn50)', '0.5 - 4.5', np.round(stability, decimals)]) if stability >= 0.5 and stability <= 4.5: table_vdm[9].append('yes') else: table_vdm[9].append('NO') # damage level parameter Sd = LimitState['Sd'] table_vdm.append(['Sd', '< 30', Sd]) if Sd < 30: table_vdm[10].append('yes') else: table_vdm[10].append('NO') # check validity ranges of toe formula # check ratio water depth above toe over water depth Dn50_toe = self.structure['toe']['computed Dn50'] htoe = np.ceil(self._estimate_htoe()/Dn50_toe) * Dn50_toe ht = h - htoe ratio_depth_toe = ht/h table_toe.append( ['ht/h', '0.4 - 0.9', np.round(ratio_depth_toe, decimals)]) if ratio_depth_toe >= 0.4 and ratio_depth_toe <= 0.9: table_toe[0].append('yes') else: table_toe[0].append('NO') # ratio ht over Dn50 of the toe ratio_dn = ht/Dn50_toe table_toe.append(['ht/Dn50', '3 - 25', np.round(ratio_dn, decimals)]) if ratio_dn >= 3 and ratio_dn <= 25: table_toe[1].append('yes') else: table_toe[1].append('NO') # print the table print(tabulate(table_vdm, headers, tablefmt="github")) print() print(' Range of validity of parameters in toe formula') print(tabulate(table_toe, headers, tablefmt="github"))
[docs]class ConcreteRubbleMound(RubbleMound): """ Design a breakwater with concrete armour units as armour layer Makes a conceptual design for a conventional rubble mound breakwater with armour units as the armour layer, for one or several limit states. The following computations are performed: - The armour layer is designed with the Hudson formula (Hudson, 1959), with :math:`H_{1/3}` as wave height, in accordance with the design guidelines for Xbloc and XblocPlus (Delta Marine Consultants, 2018). - The underlayer is designed by using the rules for the underlayer - A filter layer is designed if one is needed, depends on :py:obj:`Dn50_core` - The toe is designed with the toe stability formula of Van der Meer (1998). - The crest freeboard is computed with the formula from EurOtop (2018) - The required width of the scour protection with Sumer and Fredsoe (2000) - If a :py:class:`Soil` is specified, a slip circle analysis is performed with :py:class:`Bishop` .. note:: Depending on the input it might be that more rock classes are possible for the underlayer (and filter layer). In case the upper bound of the underlayer rule results in a different rock class as the lower bound, a new variant is generated. See :py:attr:`variantIDs` for a list of generated variants. .. warning:: Currently only the rules for the underlayer of Rock, Xbloc and XblocPlus have been implemented. However, it is possible to design with another type of armour units. In this case the filter rule must manually be set to Rock, Xbloc or XblocPlus. Parameters ---------- slope : tuple Slope of the armour layer (V, H). For example a slope of 3V:4H is defined as (3, 4) slope_foreshore : tuple slope of the foreshore (V, H). For example a slope of 1:100 is defined as (1, 100) B : float Crest width [m] rho_w : float density of water [kg/m³] LimitState : :py:class:`LimitState` or list of :py:class:`LimitState` ULS, SLS or another limit state defined with :py:class:`LimitState` ArmourUnit : obj armour unit class which inherits from :py:class:`ConcreteArmour`, for instance :py:class:`Xbloc` or :py:class:`XblocPlus` Grading : :py:class:`RockGrading` standard rock grading defined in the NEN-EN 13383-1 or a user defined rock grading Dn50_core : float nominal diameter for the stones in the core of the breakwater [m] safety : float, optional, default: 1 safety factor of design (number of standard deviations from the mean) slope_toe : tuple, optional, default: (2,3) slope of the toe B_toe : float, optional, default: None width of the top of the toe in meters. By default the width of toe is taken as 3 * Dn50_toe. beta : float, optional, default: 0 angle between direction of wave approach and a line normal to the breakwater (degrees). layers : int, optional, default: 1 number of layers in the armour layer layers_underlayer : int, optional, default: 2 number of layers in the underlayer filter_rule : {'Rock', 'Xbloc', 'XblocPlus'}, optional, default: None filter rule to use for the substructure of the breakwater, for Rock, Xbloc and XblocPlus the correct filter rule is automatically selected. In case another type of armour layer is used one of these filter rules must be chosen. Soil : :py:class:`Soil`, optional, default: None by default Soil is None, which means that the geotechnical checks are not performed. By specifying a Soil object, the geotechnical checks are automatically performed. phi : float, optional, default: 40 internal friction angle of rock [degrees] id : int, optional, default: None add a unique id to the breakwater Attributes ---------- logger : dict dict of warnings and messages structure : dict dictionary with the computed Dn50, rock class, and average Dn50 of the rock class for each layer and the toe. This dictionary includes all variants, use :py:meth:`get_variant` to get the parameters of one specific variant. Alternatively, :py:meth:`print_variant` can be used to print the details of one, multiple or all variants. alpha : float slope of the structure in radians id : int unique id of the breakwater variantIDs : list list with the IDs of the variants generated for this rubble mound breakwater. Rc : float the crest freeboard of the structure [m] width_scour : float the required length of the scour protection [m] """ def __init__( self, slope, slope_foreshore, B, rho_w, LimitState, ArmourUnit, Grading, Dn50_core, safety=1, slope_toe=(2,3), B_toe=None, beta=0, layers=1, layers_underlayer=2, filter_rule=None, Soil=None, phi=40, id=None, **kwargs): """ See help(ConcreteRubbleMound) for more info """ # set logger and structure self.logger = {'INFO': [], 'WARNING': []} self.structure = {} # compute angles self.alpha = np.arctan(slope[0]/slope[1]) slope_foreshore = np.arctan(slope_foreshore[0]/slope_foreshore[1]) # compute relative buoyant density = id self.variantIDs = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] # compute relative buoyant density delta_armour = (ArmourUnit.rho - rho_w)/rho_w # convert single LimitState to list if needed if isinstance(LimitState, list): LimitStates = LimitState else: LimitStates = [LimitState] # determine the type of armour layer armour_layer = if armour_layer in ['Xbloc', 'XblocPlus']: # the formula for Xbloc and XblocPlus is based on the # Hudson formula with a fixed slope of 3:4 angle = np.arctan(3/4) filter_rule = armour_layer else: angle = self.alpha # raise error if no filter rule is specified if filter_rule is None: supported_rules = ', '.join(substructure._supported_armour_layers()) raise NotSupportedError( (f'Filter rule for {armour_layer} is not implemented, set ' f'filter rule to use with filter_rule to {supported_rules}')) # set temporary values to check changes dn, state = 0, 0 for i, LimitState in enumerate(LimitStates): # unpack Hydraulic Conditions Hs = LimitState.get_Hs(definition='H13') # design armour layer dn_temp = hudson( H=Hs, Kd=ArmourUnit.kd, Delta=delta_armour, alpha=angle) # check if computed Dn50 of current LimitState is larger # than current normative Dn50 if dn_temp > dn: # if larger the normative Dn50 must be changed dn = dn_temp state = i V_required = ArmourUnit.get_class(dn) self.structure['armour'] = {'computed Dn50': dn, 'class': V_required, 'class Dn50': V_required**(1/3), 'state': state, 'layers': layers} # design underlayer, filter layer and crest height super().__init__( Dn50=V_required**(1/3), Dn50_core=Dn50_core, rho=ArmourUnit.rho, rho_w=rho_w, armour_layer=armour_layer, layers=layers, LimitStates=LimitStates, Grading=Grading, safety=safety, layers_underlayer=layers_underlayer, slope_toe=slope_toe, B_toe=B_toe, slope=slope, B=B, beta=beta, id=id, filter_rule=filter_rule, Soil=Soil, phi=phi, **kwargs) # check if a correction factor must be applied for Xbloc or # XblocPlus (DMC design guidelines for Xbloc and XblocPlus) correction = getattr(ArmourUnit, 'correction_factor', None) if callable(correction): # make dict to pass to method correction_factor params = { 'Hs': LimitStates[state].get_Hs('H13'), 'h': LimitStates[state].h, 'Rc': self.Rc, 'occurrence_hs': False, 'slope': self.alpha, 'slope_foreshore': slope_foreshore, 'permeability': 'permeable', 'Dn': dn, 'layers': layers, 'B': B, 'beta': beta, } correction_factor = ArmourUnit.correction_factor( logger=self.logger, **params) else: self.logger['INFO'].append( 'Given ArmourUnit did not have a method to compute a ' 'correction factor. See documentation how to define a method ' 'to compute a correction factor for a custom armour unit') correction_factor = 1. # check if a correction factor must be applied if correction_factor != 1: new_dn = correction_factor**(1/3) * dn # replave values in structure with new ones for armour new_class = ArmourUnit.get_class(new_dn) self.structure['armour'] = {'computed Dn50': new_dn, 'class': new_class, 'class Dn50': new_class**(1/3), 'state': state, 'layers': layers} # check if the class of the units has changed if new_class != V_required: self.logger['INFO'].append( 'correction factor resulted in new class, so design will ' 'be changed') # because of the new class the design for the underlayer # and filter layer must be changed as well super().__init__( Dn50=new_class**(1/3), Dn50_core=Dn50_core, rho=ArmourUnit.rho, rho_w=rho_w, armour_layer=armour_layer, layers=layers, LimitStates=LimitStates, Grading=Grading, safety=safety, layers_underlayer=layers_underlayer, slope_toe=slope_toe, B_toe=B_toe, slope=slope, B=B, beta=beta, id=id, filter_rule=filter_rule, Soil=Soil, phi=phi, **kwargs) else: # same class so design does not have to be changed self.logger['INFO'].append( 'correction factor did not result in a new class, so ' 'design will not be changed') def __str__(self): return (f'id.{}: breakwater with armour units as armour layer, ' f'and variants: {self.variantIDs}')
[docs] def cost( self, *variants, core_price, unit_price, transport_cost=None, output='variant'): """ Compute the cost per meter for each variant Method to compute the cost of each generated variant, the cost is computed per meter. The cost of the rocks in the substructure must be specified in the RockGrading. If transport cost are not included in the price of rocks or core_price it can be given with the argument transport_cost. .. note:: The transport_cost are not added to the price of the armour layer. The assumption has been made that the cost of producing and transporting the armour units is included in the unit_price. Parameters ---------- *variants : str IDs of the variants to plot, see :py:attr:`variantIDs` for a list of all generated variants. If 'all' is in the arguments, all variants will be plotted. core_price : float cost of the core material per m³ unit_price : float the cost of an armour unit per m³ transport_cost : float, optional, default: None the cost to transport a m³ of rock from the quarry to the project location output : {variant, layer, average} format of the output dict, variant returns the total cost of each variant, layer the cost of each layer for each variant and average returns the average cost. Returns ------- dict the cost Raises ------ RockGradingError if no pricing is included in the given RockGrading """ # compute the cost of the concept cost = self._cost( *variants, core_price=core_price, unit_price=unit_price, transport_cost=transport_cost, output=output) return cost