2. Installation

This chapter explains the dependencies and the different ways to install the package.

2.1. Dependencies

For the package to work some prerequisite packages must be installed on you system. It might be that you have already installed these packages, since it are quite common packages.

  • Python : Version 3.6 or higher
  • NumPy : The fundamental scientific programming package, it provides a multidimensional array type and many useful functions for numerical analysis.
  • SciPy : Library of algorithms for mathematics, science and engineering.
  • Matplotlib : Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python.
  • Pandas : A fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation tool
  • tabulate : Pretty-print tabular data

The following are optional dependencies and are only required for some features:

2.2. Installation

breakwater can be installed from PyPI or with the source code from the GitHub repository.

2.2.1. From PyPI

The latest release is available at the Python package index

pip install breakwater

2.2.2. From GitHub

Download or clone the source code from the GitHub repository. Then move into the directory with the source code and run:

python setup.py install

2.3. Bugs and Feature Requests

Problems with the installation, bugs in the code or feature request can be reported at the issue tracker of the GitHub repository. Comments and questions are always welcome and can be send to pybreakwater@gmail.com.