Source code for breakwater.interactive

from matplotlib.widgets import Slider

from .utils._kwarg_validator import _RM_vkwargs, _C_vkwargs
from .app.main import BreakwaterDesign
from .utils.exceptions import InputError, NotSupportedError
from .utils.cost import _process_cost

[docs]def interactive_design( structure, LimitState, Grading, ArmourUnit=None, BermMaterial=None, cost=None, Soil=None, display_warnings=True): """ Interactive Design Application Application to interactively design breakwaters. All parameters can be specified in the application, together with varying parameters. On the Interactive Design Page it is then possible to change the value of a varying parameter with a slider. The design can then be updated and a cross-section of the new design is shown. .. note The maximum number of structures that can be specified is 2. Parameters ---------- structure : {'RRM', 'CRM', 'RC', 'CC'} structure for which conceptual designs must be generated. RRM for a rubble mound with rock as armour layer, CRM for a rubble mound with concrete armour units as armour layer, RC for a vertical (composite) breakwater with rock as armour layer for the foundation and CC for a vertical (composite) breakwater with concrete armour units as armour layer for the foundation. LimitState : :py:class:`LimitState` or list of :py:class:`LimitState` ULS, SLS or another limit state defined with :py:class:`LimitState` Grading : :py:class:`RockGrading` standard rock grading defined in the NEN-EN 13383-1 or a user defined rock grading. Required for all parameters ArmourUnit : obj, optional, default: None armour unit class which inherits from :py:class:`ConcreteArmour`, for instance :py:class:`Xbloc` or :py:class:`XblocPlus`. This argument is used for RRM. BermMaterial : obj, optional, default: None armour unit class which inherits from :py:class:`ConcreteArmour`, for instance :py:class:`Xbloc` or :py:class:`XblocPlus`. This argument is used for CC. Soil : :py:class:`Soil`, optional, default: None by default Soil is None, which means that the geotechnical checks are not performed. By specifying a Soil object, the geotechnical checks are automatically performed. Optional argument for RC and CC. cost : dict, optional, default: None by default no cost are computed, when the cost must be computed all relevant cost must be included. Optional keys of the dict are: core_price for the price of the core material, unit_price for the price of armour units, concrete_price for the price of concrete, fill_price for the price of the fill material of the caisson. If not included in the prices it is also possible to specify transport_price for the price of transporting rocks, dry_dock for the rent of a dry dock, which is divided through the length of the breakwater. display_warnings : bool, optional, default: True if warnings must be displayed when designing """ # convert the input of structure to a list if isinstance(structure, list): # must be a list so no change structure = structure elif isinstance(structure, str): # convert single input to list structure = [structure] # convert single LimitState to list if needed if isinstance(LimitState, list): LimitStates = LimitState else: LimitStates = [LimitState] # create dict of the python input for the application python_input = { 'LimitState': LimitStates, 'Grading': Grading, 'Soil': Soil} # process python input if 'CRM' in structure: if ArmourUnit is None: raise InputError(f'ArmourUnit is a required argument for CRM') else: python_input['ArmourUnit'] = ArmourUnit if 'CC' in structure: if BermMaterial is None: raise InputError(f'BermMaterial is a required argument for CC') else: python_input['BermMaterial'] = BermMaterial # dict with the structures to design to_design = { 'RM': {'num': 0, 'RRM': False, 'CRM': False}, 'C': {'num': 0, 'RC': False, 'CC': False} } # dict to store the vkwargs in vkwargs = {} # check structure type if 'RRM' in structure and 'CRM' in structure: vkwargs.update(_RM_vkwargs(type='both')) to_design['RM']['RRM'] = True to_design['RM']['CRM'] = True to_design['RM']['num'] = 2 elif 'RRM' in structure: vkwargs.update(_RM_vkwargs(type='Rock')) to_design['RM']['RRM'] = True to_design['RM']['num'] = 1 elif 'CRM' in structure: vkwargs.update(_RM_vkwargs(type='ArmourUnit')) to_design['RM']['CRM'] = True to_design['RM']['num'] = 1 if 'RC' in structure and 'CC' in structure: vkwargs.update(_C_vkwargs(type='both')) to_design['C']['RC'] = True to_design['C']['CC'] = True to_design['C']['num'] = 2 elif 'RC' in structure: vkwargs.update(_C_vkwargs(type='Rock')) to_design['C']['RC'] = True to_design['C']['num'] = 1 elif 'CC' in structure: vkwargs.update(_C_vkwargs(type='ArmourUnit')) to_design['C']['CC'] = True to_design['C']['num'] = 1 # check number of structures # due to fixed lay out the maximum number is 2 total_num = to_design['RM']['num'] + to_design['C']['num'] if total_num > 2: # to many structures raise NotSupportedError( ('Too many structures have been specified, currently only 2 ' 'structures can be designed at the same time')) # delete python input from parameters as these are given in Python for parameter in python_input.keys(): if parameter in vkwargs.keys(): del vkwargs[parameter] # process the cost cost = _process_cost(structure, cost, Grading, validate=False) # start the app app = BreakwaterDesign( vkwargs, python_input, to_design, cost, display_warnings) app.mainloop()