Source code for

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import pickle
from warnings import catch_warnings
from tabulate import tabulate

from .utils._kwarg_validator import _process_kwargs, _RM_vkwargs, _C_vkwargs
from .utils._design_explorer import _DE_params
from .utils.exceptions import RockGradingError, ArmourUnitsError, InputError, user_warning, NotSupportedError
from .utils._progress import ProgressBar
from .utils._excel_utils import _convert_string
from .utils.cost import _process_cost, cost_influence
from .caisson import Caisson
from .conditions import LimitState
from .material import read_grading, read_units
from .rubble import RockRubbleMound, ConcreteRubbleMound

[docs]def read_configurations( filepath, structure, kd=None, name=None, LS=None, Grading=None, ArmourUnits=None, BermMaterial=None): """ Conceptual design for multiple breakwaters from an Excel file Make a conceptual design for multiple (types) of breakwaters from an Excel input file. The Excel input file can be generated with :obj:`bw.generate_excel <breakwater.utils.input_generator.generate_excel>` .. warning: When reading Xbloc or XblocPlus armour units from an Excel file, the correction factor applied to the nominal diameter is not computed. Specify :py:class:`Xbloc` or :py:class:`XblocPlus` for ArmourUnits so that the most optimal design is made. Parameters ---------- structure : {'RRM', 'CRM', 'RC', 'CC'} structure for which conceptual designs must be generated. RRM for a rubble mound with rock as armour layer, CRM for a rubble mound with concrete armour units as armour layer, RC for a vertical (composite) breakwater with rock as armour layer for the foundation and CC for a vertical (composite) breakwater with concrete armour units as armour layer for the foundation. kd : int, optional, default: None stability coefficient [-] name : str, optional, default: None name of the ArmourUnit LS : py:class:`LimitState`, optional, default: None ULS, SLS or another limit state defined with :py:class:`LimitState`, by default the LimitState is read from the Excel input file Grading : :py:class:`RockGrading`, optional, default: None standard rock grading defined in the NEN-EN 13383-1 or a user defined rock grading. By default the Grading is read from the Excel input file ArmourUnit : obj, optional, default: None armour unit class which inherits from :py:class:`ConcreteArmour`, for instance :py:class:`Xbloc` or :py:class:`XblocPlus`. By default the ArmourUnit is read from the Excel input file. This argument is used for RRM. BermMaterial : obj, optional, default: None armour unit class which inherits from :py:class:`ConcreteArmour`, for instance :py:class:`Xbloc` or :py:class:`XblocPlus`. By default the BermMaterial is read from the Excel input file. This argument is used for CC. Returns ------- bw.Configurations a Configurations object with breakwater concepts """ # convert the input of structure to a list if isinstance(structure, list): # must be a list so no change structure = structure elif isinstance(structure, str): # convert single input to list structure = [structure] # import the excel as a DataFrame df = pd.read_excel(filepath, skiprows=1, sheet_name='Parameters') # generate input dict params = {} # load LimitState if LS is None: # load LimitState data from excel file df_ls = pd.read_excel(filepath, index_col=0, sheet_name='LimitState') # convert to dict input_ls = df_ls.to_dict()['Value'] # generate LimitState object params['LimitState'] = LimitState(**input_ls) else: params['LimitState'] = LS # load RockGrading if Grading is None: # load Grading params['Grading'] = read_grading(filepath, sheet_name='RockGrading') else: params['Grading'] = Grading # load ArmourUnits if ArmourUnits is None and 'CRM' in structure: # check if kd and name are given if kd is None: raise InputError( ('Missing argument: kd, when reading ArmourUnits from Excel ' 'the kd value must be given as input')) if name is None: raise InputError( ('Missing argument: name, when reading ArmourUnits from Excel ' 'the name of the ArmourUnit must be given as input')) # load ArmourUnits params['ArmourUnit'] = read_units( filepath, kd=kd, name=name, sheet_name='ArmourUnit') elif ArmourUnits is not None and 'CRM' in structure: params['ArmourUnit'] = ArmourUnit # load BermMaterial if BermMaterial is None and 'CC' in structure: # check if kd and name are given if kd is None: raise InputError( ('Missing argument: kd, when reading ArmourUnits from Excel ' 'the kd value must be given as input')) if name is None: raise InputError( ('Missing argument: name, when reading ArmourUnits from Excel ' 'the name of the ArmourUnit must be given as input')) # load ArmourUnits params['BermMaterial'] = read_units( filepath, kd=kd, name=name, sheet_name='BermMaterial') elif BermMaterial is not None and 'CC' in structure: params['BermMaterial'] = BermMaterial # set column names and drop validation df.columns = ['parameter', 'value', 'min', 'max', 'num', 'validation'] df.drop(labels=['validation'],axis=1, inplace=True) parameters = df['parameter'].values values = df['value'].values for i, parameter in enumerate(parameters): if 'slope' in parameter: # check if value is nan if not isinstance(values[i], str) and np.isnan(values[i]): # parameter is varying # convert min and max to tuple min = _convert_string(df['min'].values[i], 'slope', parameter) max = _convert_string(df['max'].values[i], 'slope', parameter) # get num num = df['num'].values[i] # set value value = (min, max, int(num)) else: # parameter is set as constant parameter value = _convert_string(values[i], 'slope', parameter) elif 'lambda' in parameter: # convert lambda to list value = _convert_string(values[i], 'lambda', parameter) else: # get the value value = values[i] # check if filter rule if isinstance(value, str): params[parameter] = value continue # check if value is nan if np.isnan(value): # get varying input min = df['min'].values[i] max = df['max'].values[i] num = df['num'].values[i] # check if one of the values is nan if np.isnan([min, max, num]).all(): # if all are nan set value to None value = None continue elif np.isnan([min, max, num]).any(): raise TypeError( (f'Varying parameter {parameter} is incorrectly ' 'formatted')) # convert to tuple value = (min, max, int(num)) # add to params dict params[parameter] = value return Configurations(structure=structure, **params)
[docs]def read_breakwaters(filepath): """ Read a breakwaters file into Configurations Parameters ---------- filepath : path any valid string path is acceptable, filepath must end with .breakwaters Returns ------- bw.Configurations a Configurations object with breakwater concepts """ # get the extension of the file extension = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1] # check if a extension has been included in the filepath if not extension: # if not add .breakwaters to the filepath filepath = f'{filepath}.breakwaters ' else: # check if extension is .breakwaters if extension == '.breakwaters': pass else: raise InputError( (f'Can\'t load Configurations from {extension}, must be ' '.breakwaters')) # load breakwaters file, and return Configurations object file = open(filepath, 'rb') config = pickle.load(file) return config
[docs]class Configurations: """ Make a conceptual design for multiple breakwaters With this class a parametric design of one or more types of breakwaters. The types of structures included in the tool are: a rubble mound breakwater with rock (RRM) or concrete armour units (CRM) as armour layer and a vertical (composite) breakwater with rock (RC) or concrete armour units (CC) as armour layer of the foundation layer. Each structure has its own set of required (table 1) and optional (table 2) parameters. For the parametric design some parameters are allowed to vary, these parameters have a superscript in table 1 and 2. The input of a varying parameter must be a tuple with a length of 3, i.e. (min, max, num), where min and max are the minimum and maximum value and num is the number of samples to generate. .. note:: Alternatively, a design can also be made from an Excel input file by using :py:func:`read_configurations`. The required Excel input file can be generated by using :obj:`bw.generate_excel <breakwater.utils.input_generator.generate_excel>` Table 1: required parameters +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Parameter | RRM | CRM | RC | CC | +====================+=====+=====+=====+=====+ | LimitState | x | x | x | x | +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | rho_w | x | x | x | x | +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | slope_foreshore | x | x | x | x | +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Grading | x | x | x | x | +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | slope :sup:`1` | x | x | | | +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | B :sup:`1` | x | x | | | +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Dn50_core :sup:`1` | x | x | | | +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | N | x | | | | +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | ArmourUnit | | x | | | +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Pc :sup:`1` | | | x | x | +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | rho_c | | | x | x | +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | rho_fill | | | x | x | +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Bm :sup:`1` | | | x | x | +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | hb :sup:`1` | | | x | x | +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | mu | | | x | x | +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | BermMaterial | | | | x | +--------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ :sup:`1` Parameter is allowed to vary, enter as a tuple with (min, max, num), where min and max are the minimum and maximum value and num is the number of samples to generate. Table 2: Optional parameters with default values +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Parameter | Default | RRM | CRM | RC | CC | +===========================+=========+=====+=====+=====+=====+ | safety | 1 | o | o | o | o | +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | beta | 0 | o | o | o | o | +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Soil | None | o | o | o | o | +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | slope_toe :sup:`1` | (2,3) | o | o | | | +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | phi | 40 | o | o | | | +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | B_toe :sup:`1` | None | o | o | | | +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | vdm | max | o | | | | +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | layers_rock | 2 | o | | o | | +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | layers_units | 1 | | o | | o | +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | layers_underlayer | 2 | o | o | | | +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | filter_rule | None | | o | | o | +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | pe_max | 500 | | | o | o | +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | SF_sliding | 1.2 | | | o | o | +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | SF_turning | 1.2 | | | o | o | +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | slope_foundation :sup:`1` | (2,3) | | | o | o | +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | \lambda_ | [1,1,1] | | | o | o | +---------------------------+---------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ :sup:`1` Parameter is allowed to vary, enter as a tuple with (min, max, num), where min and max are the minimum and maximum value and num is the number of samples to generate. Parameters ---------- structure : {'RRM', 'CRM', 'RC', 'CC'} structure for which conceptual designs must be generated. RRM for a rubble mound with rock as armour layer, CRM for a rubble mound with concrete armour units as armour layer, RC for a vertical (composite) breakwater with rock as armour layer for the foundation and CC for a vertical (composite) breakwater with concrete armour units as armour layer for the foundation. LimitState : :py:class:`LimitState` or list of :py:class:`LimitState` ULS, SLS or another limit state defined with :py:class:`LimitState` rho_w : float density of water [kg/m³] slope_foreshore : tuple slope of the foreshore (V, H). For example a slope of 1:100 is defined as (1, 100) Grading : :py:class:`RockGrading` standard rock grading defined in the NEN-EN 13383-1 or a user defined rock grading. safety : float, optional, default: 1 safety factor of design (number of standard deviations from the mean) Keyword arguments ----------------- slope : tuple Slope of the armour layer (V,H). For example a slope of 3V:4H is defined as (3,4). Required for RRM and CRM. B : float Crest width [m], required for RRM and CRM Dn50_core : float nominal diameter for the stones in the core of the breakwater [m], required for RRM and CRM N : int Number of incident waves at the toe of the structure [-], required for RRM ArmourUnit : obj armour unit class which inherits from :py:class:`ConcreteArmour`, for instance :py:class:`Xbloc` or :py:class:`XblocPlus`. Required argument for CRM. Pc : float contribution of concrete to the total mass of the caisson. value between 0 and 1. Required argument for RC and CC. rho_c : float density of concrete [kg/m³], required argument for RC and CC. rho_fill : float density of the fill material [kg/m³], required argument for RC and CC. Bm : float width of the berm [m], required argument for RC and CC. hb : float height of the foundation layer [m], required argument for RC and CC. mu : float friction factor between the caisson and the foundation [-], required argument for RC and CC. BermMaterial : obj should be a :py:class:`RockGrading` or armour unit class which inherits from :py:class:`ConcreteArmour`, for instance :py:class:`Xbloc` or :py:class:`XblocPlus`. Required argument for CC beta : float, optional, default: 0 angle between direction of wave approach and a line normal to the breakwater (degrees). Optional argument for RC and CC, default value is 0. slope_toe : tuple, optional, default: (2,3) Slope of the armour layer (V,H). For example a slope of 2V:3H is defined as (2,3). Optional argument for RRM and CRM, default value is (2,3) B_toe : float, optional, default: None width of the top of the toe in meters. By default the width of toe is taken as 3 * Dn50_toe. Optional argument for RRM and CRM. vdm : {min, max, avg}, optional, default: max value to return in case both the deep and shallow water formula are valid. min for the lowest value, max for the highest value and avg for the average value, default is max. Optional argument for RRM. layers_rock : int, optional, default: 2 number of layer in the armour layer for a rubble mound breakwater with rock as armour layer. Optional argument for RRM and RC, default value is 2 layers_units : int, optional, default: 1 number of layer in the armour layer for a rubble mound breakwater with concrete armour units as armour layer. Optional argument for RRM and CC, default value is 1 layers_underlayer : int, optional, default: 2 number of layers in the underlayer. Optional argument for RRM and CRM filter_rule : {'Rock', 'Xbloc', 'XblocPlus'}, optional, default: None filter rule to use for the substructure of the breakwater, for Rock, Xbloc and XblocPlus the correct filter rule is automatically selected. In case another type of armour layer is used one of these filter rules must be chosen. Optional argument for CRM, required if armour unit is not Xbloc or XblocPlus, default value is None pe_max : float, optional, default: 500 maximum value of the bearing pressure at the heel of the caisson. Default value is set to 500 kPa, Goda (2000) advises a value between 400 and 500 kPa. Optional parameter for RC and CC SF_sliding : float, optional, default: 1.2 safety factor against sliding. Default value according to Goda (2000). Optional argument for RC and CC, default value is 1.2 SF_turning : float, optional, default: 1.2 safety factor against sliding. Default value according to Goda (2000). Optional argument for RC and CC, default value is 1.2 slope_foundation : tuple, optional, default: (2,3) Slope of the armour layer (V,H). For example a slope of 2V:3H is defined as (2,3). Optional argument for RC and CC, default is (2,3) lambda_ : list, optional, default: [1,1,1] modification factors of Takahasi (2002) for alternative monolithic breakwater. Input must be \\lambda_= [:math:`\\lambda_1, \\lambda_2, \\lambda_3`]. Optional argument for RC and CC, default value is [1,1,1] Soil : :py:class:`Soil`, optional, default: None by default Soil is None, which means that the geotechnical checks are not performed. By specifying a Soil object, the geotechnical checks are automatically performed. Optional argument for all structures phi : float, optional, default: 40 internal friction angle of rock [degrees]. Optional argument for RRM and CRM. Attributes ---------- df : pd.DataFrame DataFrame with all generated concepts """ def __init__( self, structure, LimitState, rho_w, slope_foreshore, Grading, Soil=None, safety=1, **kwargs): """ See help(Configurations) for more info """ # add LimitState, rho_w and slope_foreshore to kwargs input # so that input can be validated kwargs['LimitState'] = LimitState kwargs['rho_w'] = rho_w kwargs['slope_foreshore'] = slope_foreshore kwargs['safety'] = safety kwargs['Grading'] = Grading kwargs['Soil'] = Soil # set grading as attribute for adding cost self._Grading = Grading # convert the input of structure to a list if isinstance(structure, list): # must be a list so no change structure = structure elif isinstance(structure, str): # convert single input to list structure = [structure] # set empty configs and vkwargs RM_config = {} RM_vkwargs = {} C_config = {} C_vkwargs = {} # check if the input is correct for the type of structure # and set default values if a default value must be set if 'RRM' in structure and 'CRM' in structure: RRM_compute = True CRM_compute = True RM_vkwargs = _RM_vkwargs(type='both') RM_config = _process_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, vkwargs=RM_vkwargs) # unpack constant arguments for both beta = RM_config['beta'] phi = RM_config['phi'] # unpack constant arguments for RRM N = RM_config['N'] layers_rock = RM_config['layers_rock'] vdm = RM_config['vdm'] # unpack constant arguments for CRM ArmourUnit = RM_config['ArmourUnit'] layers_units = RM_config['layers_units'] filter_rule = RM_config['filter_rule'] elif 'RRM' in structure: RRM_compute = True CRM_compute = False RM_vkwargs = _RM_vkwargs(type='Rock') RM_config = _process_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, vkwargs=RM_vkwargs) # unpack constant arguments for RRM beta = RM_config['beta'] N = RM_config['N'] layers_rock = RM_config['layers_rock'] vdm = RM_config['vdm'] phi = RM_config['phi'] elif 'CRM' in structure: RRM_compute = False CRM_compute = True RM_vkwargs = _RM_vkwargs(type='ArmourUnit') RM_config = _process_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, vkwargs=RM_vkwargs) # unpack constant arguments for CRM beta = RM_config['beta'] ArmourUnit = RM_config['ArmourUnit'] layers_units = RM_config['layers_units'] filter_rule = RM_config['filter_rule'] phi = RM_config['phi'] elif 'RRM' not in structure and 'CRM' not in structure: RRM_compute = False CRM_compute = False # input for caisson in structure if 'RC' in structure and 'CC' in structure: RC_compute = True CC_compute = True C_vkwargs = _C_vkwargs(type='both') C_config = _process_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, vkwargs=C_vkwargs) # unpack constant arguments for both rho_c = C_config['rho_c'] rho_fill = C_config['rho_fill'] mu = C_config['mu'] SF_sliding = C_config['SF_sliding'] SF_turning = C_config['SF_turning'] beta = C_config['beta'] lambda_ = C_config['lambda_'] filter_rule = C_config['filter_rule'] pe_max = C_config['pe_max'] # unpack constant arguments for RC layers_rock = C_config['layers_rock'] # unpack constant arguments for CC layers_units = C_config['layers_units'] BermMaterial = C_config['BermMaterial'] elif 'RC' in structure: RC_compute = True CC_compute = False C_vkwargs = _C_vkwargs(type='Rock') C_config = _process_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, vkwargs=C_vkwargs) # unpack constant arguments for both rho_c = C_config['rho_c'] rho_fill = C_config['rho_fill'] mu = C_config['mu'] SF_sliding = C_config['SF_sliding'] SF_turning = C_config['SF_turning'] beta = C_config['beta'] lambda_ = C_config['lambda_'] filter_rule = C_config['filter_rule'] pe_max = C_config['pe_max'] # unpack constant arguments for RC layers_rock = C_config['layers_rock'] elif 'CC' in structure: RC_compute = False CC_compute = True C_vkwargs = _C_vkwargs(type='ArmourUnit') C_config = _process_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, vkwargs=C_vkwargs) # unpack constant arguments for both rho_c = C_config['rho_c'] rho_fill = C_config['rho_fill'] mu = C_config['mu'] SF_sliding = C_config['SF_sliding'] SF_turning = C_config['SF_turning'] beta = C_config['beta'] lambda_ = C_config['lambda_'] filter_rule = C_config['filter_rule'] pe_max = C_config['pe_max'] # unpack constant arguments for CC layers_units = C_config['layers_units'] BermMaterial = C_config['BermMaterial'] elif 'RC' not in structure and 'CC' not in structure: RC_compute = False CC_compute = False # check if a computation must be made if (not RRM_compute and not CRM_compute and not RC_compute and not CC_compute): # noting to compute, raise error raise NotSupportedError( (f'{structure} has not been implemented, supported structures' ' are \'RRM\', \'CRM\', \'RC\' and \'CC\'')) # initialize a df for to store the _get_concept_set self.df = pd.DataFrame() # design all concepts for a rubble mound breakwater # get all possible combinations of the varying arguments RM_varying, RM_num_combinations = self._get_combinations( vkwargs=RM_vkwargs, config=RM_config) for i in range(RM_num_combinations): # in first iteration check if computation is needed # and unpack arguments if needed if i == 0: if not RRM_compute and not CRM_compute: # break loop if computation is not needed break if RRM_compute and CRM_compute: # both thus double the number of computations num = 2*RM_num_combinations else: # only design 1 structure num = RM_num_combinations # initialize progress bar for rubble mound computations RM_bar = ProgressBar( number=num, task='Computing Rubble Mound') # set id of bw id = i + 1 # get the current concept concept = self._get_concept_set(configs=RM_varying, id=id) # unpack varying arguments same for RRM and CRM B = concept['B'] Dn50_core = concept['Dn50_core'] B_toe = concept['B_toe'] slope = concept['slope'] slope_toe = concept['slope_toe'] if RRM_compute: try: with catch_warnings(record=True) as w: RM_rock = RockRubbleMound( slope=slope, slope_foreshore=slope_foreshore, rho_w=rho_w, B=B, N=N, LimitState=LimitState, Grading=Grading, Dn50_core=Dn50_core, safety=safety, slope_toe=slope_toe, B_toe=B_toe, layers=layers_rock, vdm=vdm, Soil=Soil, phi=phi, id=id) except RockGradingError: # if there is no rock class in the grading that # can satisfy the computed Dn50 of the armour layer RM_rock = None # save the concept to a temporary df and append to df temp_df = pd.DataFrame(data={'type': ['RRM'], 'id': [id], 'concept': [RM_rock], 'B': [B], 'Dn50_core': [Dn50_core], 'B_toe': [B_toe], 'slope': [slope], 'slope_toe': [slope_toe], 'warnings': [w]}) self.df = self.df.append(temp_df, ignore_index=True, sort=True) if CRM_compute: try: with catch_warnings(record=True) as w: RM_units = ConcreteRubbleMound( slope=slope, slope_foreshore=slope_foreshore, B=B, rho_w=rho_w, LimitState=LimitState, safety=safety, Grading=Grading, ArmourUnit=ArmourUnit, phi=phi, Dn50_core=Dn50_core, slope_toe=slope_toe, B_toe=B_toe, layers=layers_units, Soil=Soil, id=id, filter_rule=filter_rule) except ArmourUnitsError: # if there is no class of armour unit that # can satisfy the computed Dn50 of the armour layer units_bw = None # save the concept to a temporary df and append to df temp_df = pd.DataFrame(data={'type': ['CRM'], 'id': [id], 'concept': [RM_units], 'B': [B], 'Dn50_core': [Dn50_core], 'B_toe': [B_toe], 'slope': [slope], 'slope_toe': [slope_toe], 'warnings': [w]}) self.df = self.df.append(temp_df, ignore_index=True, sort=True) if id == RM_num_combinations: RM_bar.finish() # design all concepts for a caisson breakwater # get all possible combinations of the varying arguments C_varying, C_num_combinations = self._get_combinations( vkwargs=C_vkwargs, config=C_config) for i in range(C_num_combinations): # in first iteration check if computation is needed # and unpack arguments if needed if i == 0: if not RC_compute and not CC_compute: # break loop if computation is not needed break if RC_compute and CC_compute: # both thus double the number of computations num = 2*C_num_combinations else: # only design 1 structure num = C_num_combinations if RRM_compute or CRM_compute: # set task name for nice allignment with RM task_name = 'Computing Caisson ' else: # normal task name task_name = 'Computing Caisson' # initialize progress bar for caisson computations C_bar = ProgressBar(number=num, task=task_name) # set id of bw id = i + 1 # get the current concept concept = self._get_concept_set(configs=C_varying, id=id) # unpack varying arguments Pc = concept['Pc'] Bm = concept['Bm'] hb = concept['hb'] slope_foundation = concept['slope_foundation'] if RC_compute: # design with rock as armour layer for the foundation try: with catch_warnings(record=True) as w: C_rock = Caisson( Pc=Pc, rho_c=rho_c, rho_fill=rho_fill, beta=beta, rho_w=rho_w, Bm=Bm, hb=hb, layers=layers_rock, BermMaterial=Grading, mu=mu, LimitState=LimitState, safety=safety, slope_foreshore=slope_foreshore, SF_sliding=SF_sliding, SF_turning=SF_turning, slope_foundation=slope_foundation, lambda_=lambda_, filter_rule=filter_rule, Grading=Grading, id=id, pe_max=pe_max, Soil=Soil) except RockGradingError: # if there is no rock class in the grading that # can satisfy the computed Dn50 of the armour layer C_rock = None # save the concept to a temporary df and append to df temp_df = pd.DataFrame(data={'type': ['RC'], 'id': [id], 'concept': [C_rock], 'Pc': [Pc], 'Bm': [Bm], 'hb': [hb], 'slope_foundation': [slope_foundation], 'warnings': [w]}) self.df = self.df.append(temp_df, ignore_index=True, sort=True) if CC_compute: try: with catch_warnings(record=True) as w: C_units = Caisson( Pc=Pc, rho_c=rho_c, rho_fill=rho_fill, rho_w=rho_w, Bm=Bm, hb=hb, layers=layers_units, mu=mu, beta=beta, BermMaterial=BermMaterial, LimitState=LimitState, slope_foreshore=slope_foreshore, safety=safety, SF_sliding=SF_sliding, SF_turning=SF_turning, slope_foundation=slope_foundation, lambda_=lambda_, filter_rule=filter_rule, Grading=Grading, id=id, pe_max=pe_max, Soil=Soil) except ArmourUnitsError: # if there is no class of armour unit that # can satisfy the computed Dn50 of the armour layer C_units = None # save the concept to a temporary df and append to df temp_df = pd.DataFrame(data={'type': ['CC'], 'id': [id], 'concept': [C_units], 'Pc': [Pc], 'Bm': [Bm], 'hb': [hb], 'warnings': [w]}) self.df = self.df.append(temp_df, ignore_index=True, sort=True) if id == C_num_combinations: C_bar.finish() @staticmethod def _get_concept_set(configs, id): """ get unique set of parameters and values """ index = id - 1 unique_set = {} for param, val in configs.items(): unique_set[param] = val[index] return unique_set @staticmethod def _get_combinations(vkwargs, config): # get the varying and constant parameters varying = {} fixed = {} for param, val in config.items(): if vkwargs[param]['Constant']: # constant parameter, already in RM_config continue else: # varying parameter if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): # also given as varying parameter varying[param] = val else: # not set as varying thus constant fixed[param] = val # create all possible combinations of the varying parameters # get the parameters and number of parameters parameters = list(varying.keys()) num_parameters = len(parameters) # empty dict to store the parameter set of each concept configs = {} # create value_index with the index of the value in the list of the dict # value_index with 0 is the first concept value_index = [0] * num_parameters first_concept = True current_combination = 0 while True: # check for exit condition # first compute maximum number of combinations if first_concept: max_combinations = 1 for param, values in varying.items(): combinations = len(values) max_combinations = max_combinations * combinations if current_combination == max_combinations: break # saving the concept in configs for i in range(num_parameters): current_parameter = parameters[i] if first_concept: # first time a list for each key must be made configs[current_parameter] = [] # save the value of the current key value = varying[current_parameter][value_index[i]] configs[current_parameter].append(value) # first concept has been generated so set to False first_concept = False # set loop variables, current_column_index starts from the right change = True current_column_index = num_parameters - 1 while change and current_column_index >= 0: # get the length of the current parameter (how many values) current_parameter = parameters[current_column_index] max_values = len(varying[current_parameter]) # check if all variants for this level have been made if (value_index[current_column_index] + 1) > max_values-1: # all variants for the level have been added # so set the last index to zero value_index[current_column_index] = 0 # Change the upper variable by one # We need to increment the immediate upper level loop by one change = True else: # add one to the index for the next combination value_index[current_column_index] += 1 # set the change to False so that the loop stops for the # current level change = False # move one column to the left current_column_index -= 1 current_combination += 1 # check if there are fixed values if fixed: # add the fixed parameters to the configs for param, val in fixed.items(): values = [val for i in range(max_combinations)] configs[param] = values # return the combinations and number of combinations return configs, max_combinations
[docs] def add_cost( self, core_price=None, unit_price=None, concrete_price=None, fill_price=None, transport_cost=None, investment=None, length=None): """ Compute the cost of each concept Compute the cost of each concept and add the cost to the :py:attr:`df`. The cost of the rocks must be specified in the RockGrading. If transport cost are not included in the price of rocks or core_price it can be given with the argument transport_cost. For a Caisson breakwater it is possible to specify the investment for renting a dry dock, the investment is divided through the length of the breakwater to get the investment cost per meter. .. note:: The transport_cost are not added to the price of the armour layer. The assumption has been made that the cost of producing and transporting the armour units is included in the unit_price. Parameters ---------- core_price : float, optional, default: None cost of the core material per m³, required for RRM and CRM unit_price : float, optional, default: None the cost of an armour unit per m³, required for CRM and CC concrete_price : float, optional, default: None price of concrete per m³, required for RC and CC fill_price : float, optional, default: None price of the fill material per m³, required for RC and CC transport_cost : float, optional, default: None the cost to transport a m³ of rock from the quarry to the project location investment : float the investment required to rent a dry dock length : float length of the breakwater [m] """ # make dict of the cost for validation cost = { 'core_price': core_price, 'unit_price': unit_price, 'concrete_price': concrete_price, 'fill_price': fill_price} # check if all required cost have been given for type in self.df.type.unique(): # validate cost _process_cost(type, cost, self._Grading) # set list to store cost in computed_cost = [] # iterate over the generated concepts for i, row in self.df.iterrows(): # check if concept is not None if row.concept is None: # not a valid concept computed_cost.append(None) else: # valid concept # check types and compute price if row.type == 'RRM': price = row.concept.cost( *row.concept.variantIDs, core_price=core_price, transport_cost=transport_cost, output='variant') elif row.type == 'CRM': price = row.concept.cost( *row.concept.variantIDs, core_price=core_price, unit_price=unit_price, transport_cost=transport_cost, output='variant') elif row.type == 'RC' or row.type == 'CC': # check if investment cost must be added if investment is not None and length is not None: # add investment cost row.concept.dry_dock(investment, length) price = row.concept.cost( *row.concept.variantIDs, concrete_price=concrete_price, fill_price=fill_price, unit_price=unit_price) else: raise NotSupportedError(f'{row.type} is not supported') # add cost to list computed_cost.append(price) # add column to the df self.df['cost'] = computed_cost
[docs] def to_design_explorer( self, params, mkdir='DesignExplorer', slopes='angles', merge_Bm=True, merge_slope_toe=True): """ Export concepts to Design Explorer 2 Creates a folder that can be used in Design Explorer 2, the folder consists of the cross sections of all concepts and a csv file with the data of the concepts. Parameters supported for export can be seen in table 3. To use the folder in Design Explorer 2, follow these steps: - Upload the folder to your Google Drive - Share the folder and get the shareable link - Go to - Click on *Get Data* and paste the shareable link below: *From the cloud* - Click on *Load Data* - Enjoy exploring! Table 3: possible parameter to export +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | Parameter | RRM + CRM | RC + CC | +==========================+============+============+ | cost | o | o | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | B | o | o | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | Rc | o | o | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | computed Dn50 armour | o | o | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | class armour | o | o | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | class Dn50 armour | o | o | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | computed Dn50 underlayer | o | o | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | class underlayer | o | o | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | class Dn50 underlayer | o | o | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | slope | o | | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | slope_toe | o | o :sup:`1` | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | Dn50_core | o | | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | B_toe | o | | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | computed Dn50 filter | o | | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | class filter | o | | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | class Dn50 filter | o | | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | Pc | | o | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | hb | | o | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | h_acc | | o | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | Bm | o :sup:`2` | o | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | slope_foundation | | o | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | UC :sup:`3` | | o | +--------------------------+------------+------------+ | :sup:`1` slope_foundation is interpreted as slope_toe if merge_slope_toe is set to True | :sup:`2` B_toe is interpreted as Bm if merge_Bm is set to True | :sup:`3` UC is the unity check for the bearing capacity of the subsoil Parameters ---------- params : list list of parameters for the design explorer, parameter must be str. See table 3 for the parameters that can be exported/ mkdir : str, optional, default: concepts creates a folder in which all cross sections are saved, upload the created folder to your Google Drive to use Design Explorer 2 slopes : {angles, tuples}, optional, default: angles how the slopes must be exported. tuples will export the slope as (V,H) and angles as an angle in degrees merge_Bm : bool, optional, default: True True if Bm must be merged with B_toe when a Rubble Mound and Vertical breakwater have been designed, False if you do not want to merge the columns. merge_slope_toe : bool, optional, default: True True if slope_foundation must be merged with slope_toe when a Rubble Mound and Vertical breakwater have been designed, False if you do not want to merge the columns. Raises ------ KeyError if the cost are asked to export but not yet specified """ # set empty df for export to_export = pd.DataFrame() # check if RRM and CRM are in structure designed_structures = self.df.type.unique() if 'CRM' and 'RRM' in designed_structures: format_class_as_string = True else: format_class_as_string = False # set dir int variable for generating a new dir dir_int = 0 # while loop to create dir with unique name while True: # set name of the new_dir if dir_int == 0: # first iteration, so use specified name new_dir = mkdir else: # specified name already exists so add int to name of dir new_dir = f'{mkdir} {dir_int}' # check if dir already exists if os.path.exists(new_dir): # dir already exists, check if it has files if len(os.listdir(new_dir)) == 0: # no files thus data can be added, break loop break else: # increase dir_int with 1 to make new dir dir_int += 1 else: # dir does not exists, so make one and break os.mkdir(new_dir) break # check if the name of dir is different from the specified if mkdir is not new_dir: # name different, print user warning to notify user user_warning( (f'directory {mkdir} already exists, therefore a new directory' f' has been made. The files can be found in {new_dir}')) # set up progress bar, and CaseNo num_concepts = self.df.shape[0] bar = ProgressBar(number=num_concepts, task='Saving') CaseNo = 1 # add list to store all CaseNo in all_CaseNo = [] # start the export for index, row in self.df.iterrows(): # check if concept exists if row.concept is None: # go to next concept all_CaseNo.append([CaseNo]) continue # compute number of variants for this concept num_concepts = len(row.concept.variantIDs) # store CaseNo of current concept in a list temp_CaseNo = [] for id in row.concept.variantIDs: # save name of the cross section file_name = f'{row.type}.{}' if num_concepts > 1: # add id if more than 1 concept file_name = f'{file_name}{id}' save_name = f'{new_dir}/{file_name}' # save cross section of the current concept row.concept.plot(id, save_name=save_name) data = {'CaseNo': [CaseNo], 'type': [row.type]} # get the values from the variant and add to data variant = row.concept.get_variant(variantID=id) to_explorer = _DE_params( args=params, variant=variant, row=row, concept=row.concept, structure=row.type, slopes=slopes, change_CRM_class=format_class_as_string) data.update(to_explorer) # check if cost must be included if 'cost' in params: # check if cost have been added if 'cost' in self.df.columns: # add cost to data data['cost'] = row.cost[id] else: raise KeyError( 'Cost have not been added, use add_cost to add ' 'cost to the df') # add image to data data['img'] = [f'{file_name}.png'] # create a df of data and add to the df to_export export_row = pd.DataFrame(data=data) to_export = to_export.append( export_row, ignore_index=True, sort=True) # add CaseNo to temp CaseNo and increase with 1 temp_CaseNo.append(CaseNo) CaseNo += 1 # add all stored CaseNo of the current concept in a list all_CaseNo.append(temp_CaseNo) bar.finish() # add all CaseNo to the df so that concept can be selected by CaseNo self.df['CaseNo'] = all_CaseNo # post process for to_export # if CRM and RRM for class armour values must be sorted if format_class_as_string: to_export.sort_values(by=['type'], inplace=True) # check if all given params are in the columns columns = list(to_export) not_used_params = np.setdiff1d( params, columns, assume_unique=True).tolist() if any(not_used_params): # remove parameters not used from params column_names = [x for x in params if x not in not_used_params] # raise UserWarning that not all given params have been exported skipped = ', '.join(not_used_params) user_warning( f'Not all params have been exported, skipped: {skipped}') else: # all given params have been used column_names = params # add CaseNo and type as the left most column_names # and make img the right most column_names column_names[0:0] = ['CaseNo', 'type'] column_names.insert(len(column_names), 'img') # restructure df with order of column_names to_export = to_export.loc[:, column_names] # merge B_toe with Bm if set to True if 'B_toe' in column_names and 'Bm' in column_names and merge_Bm: to_export.Bm.fillna(to_export.B_toe, inplace=True) del to_export['B_toe'] # merge slope_foundation with slope_toe if set to True if ('slope_toe' in column_names and 'slope_foundation' in column_names and merge_slope_toe): to_export.slope_toe.fillna( to_export.slope_foundation, inplace=True) del to_export['slope_foundation'] # save to_export df to a excel file excel_save_name = f'{new_dir}/data.csv' to_export.to_csv(excel_save_name, index=False) print(f'folder {new_dir} is ready for Design Explorer 2')
[docs] def get_concept(self, id=None, CaseNo=None): """ Get the specified concept Parameters ---------- id : str, optional, default: None id of the concept, the id of a concept for a rubble mound breakwater out of rock is for instance: RRM.1 CaseNo : int, optional, default: None CaseNo if the concept, only available if an export for the Design Explorer has been made with :py:meth:`to_design_explorer` Returns ------- concept : obj a breakwater concept, for instance :py:obj:`RockRubbleMound` Raises ------ InputError if a concept is not selected with CaseNo or id, or if there is no concept with the specified CaseNo or id KeyError if a concept can't be selected by CaseNo because the method :py:meth:`to_design_explorer` has not yet been used, and the CaseNo have therefore not yet been added to :py:attr:`df` """ if id and CaseNo is not None: # cannot select concept by both id and CaseNo raise InputError( 'Concept must be selected with id or CaseNo, not both') elif id is not None: # select concept by id type = id.split('.')[0] id = id.split('.')[1] row_ids = self.df[self.df['id'] == int(id)] row = row_ids[row_ids['type'] == type] msg = f'id {type}.{id}' elif CaseNo is not None: # check if CaseNo is a column in df, # is only added if the method to_design_explorer is used if 'CaseNo' not in self.df.columns: raise KeyError( ('CaseNo will only be added to the df if an export for ' 'the design explorer has been made, run ' 'to_design_explorer or select by id')) # get the row of the df where the given CaseNo is in column CaseNo row = self.df[self.df.apply( lambda x: CaseNo in x['CaseNo'], axis=1)] msg = f'CaseNo {CaseNo}' else: # CaseNo and id is not given thus raise error raise InputError( ('No concept could be selected as neither an id nor CaseNo ' ' has been given')) # check if row has values if row.empty: # df is empty, thus CaseNo was invalid raise InputError(f'There is no concept with {msg}') else: # return the concept return row['concept'].values[0]
[docs] def to_breakwaters(self, save_name): """ Save the df with designs in a pickle object Method will save the df with all breakwater concepts in a pickle object with extension .breakwaters. Parameters ---------- save_name : str name of the file """ # save to pickle file_name = f'{save_name}.breakwaters' file = open(file_name, 'wb') pickle.dump(self, file) print(f'saved to {file_name}')
[docs] def show_warnings(self): """ Print all warnings encountered during the design Method prints a table containing the unique warning messages, with the time the warning was encountered during the design. """ all_warnings = self.df.warnings unique_warnings = {} # iterate over de column in the df for warnings in all_warnings: # iterate over the list of warnings from each concept for warning in warnings: msg = str(warning.message) # check if warning is already encountered if msg in unique_warnings: # not unique, thus add one to the count unique_warnings[msg] += 1 else: # warning is unique, thus add to unique-wa unique_warnings[msg] = 1 # print the table table = [[key, count] for key, count in unique_warnings.items()] print(tabulate(table, headers=['Warning', 'Count'], tablefmt='github'))
[docs] def cost_influence(self): """ Plot the influence of the varying parameters on the cost Method to see the influence of the varying parameters on the cost of a concept. If more than 1 parameter has been specified as a varying parameter the x-axis is normalised (from 0 to 1) so that all parameters can be plotted on the same axis. .. note:: When more than one varying parameter is specified several lines must be plotted. To show the influence of one varying parameter on the cost the other varying parameters are set to their lower bound value. """ # headers to exclude exclude = ['concept', 'id', 'type', 'warnings'] # make dict to the line data for plotting lines = {} for structure in self.df.type.unique(): # make df where the type equals the current structure df = self.df[self.df.type == structure] df = df.drop(columns=exclude) # iterate over the columns of the df for parameter in df.columns: # check if parameter is slope if 'slope' in parameter: # check if not all nan if not df[parameter].isnull().all(): # convert tuples to floats df[parameter] = df[parameter].apply( lambda x: np.round(np.arctan(x[0]/x[1])*180/np.pi, 2)) # check if not a cost parameter or in exclude if parameter != 'cost' and parameter not in exclude: # get the unique values unique = df[parameter].unique() # check if only 1 unique value in the column if len(unique) > 1: # varying parameter, add to lines dict lines[parameter] = {'values': [], 'cost': []} # get list of the values values = list(df[parameter].values) # iterate over the unique values for unique_val in unique: # get index of value in the df, first occurance index = values.index(unique_val) # get the row in the df with the data row = df.iloc[index] # add info to dict # note that the unique value is retrieved from # the df and not from the list with unique # values, this is done so the result can be # checked, i.e. if all values are indeed unique lines[parameter]['values'].append( row[parameter]) # compute average cost and add to dict lines[parameter]['cost'].append( np.mean(list(row.cost.values()))) # generate the plot cost_influence(lines)