Source code for breakwater.core.goda

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

from ..utils.exceptions import InputError, user_warning
from ..utils.wave import shoaling_coefficient, dispersion

[docs]def goda_wave_heights(h, d, Ho, T, slope_foreshore, Ks=None, factor=1.8): """ Compute the design wave height Computes the design wave height :math:`H_{1/3}` and :math:`H_{max}` with the empirical formulas of Goda (2000) Parameters ---------- h : float water depth [m] d : float water depth in front of the caisson, on top of the foundation [m] Ho : float deep water wave height [m] T : float wave period, Goda (2000) advises to use :math:`T_{1/3}` [s] slope_foreshore : tuple slope of the foreshore (V, H). For example a slope of 1:100 is defined as (1,100) Ks : float, optional, default: None non-linear shoaling coefficient. If the shoaling coefficient is not specified it is automatically computed with :py:func:`shoaling_coefficient` [-] factor : float, optional, default: 1.8 Hmax is a probabilistic quantity. But to avoid possible confusion in design, a definite value of Hmax = 1.8 * Ks * H0 is recommended. The value of 1.8 is, however, a recommendation and the user is free to choose another value, such as 1.6 or 2.0 (Goda, 2000) """ # compute the angle of the foreshore slope_foreshore = np.arctan(slope_foreshore[0]/slope_foreshore[1]) # compute deep water wave length L_o = 9.81*T**2/(2*np.pi) # check if shoaling coefficient is given if Ks is None: # if not then compute the non-linear shoaling coefficient Ks = shoaling_coefficient(h=d, T=T, H0=Ho) else: # set the shoaling coefficient to the entered coefficient Ks = Ks if h/L_o >= 0.2: H13 = Ks*Ho Hmax = factor*Ks*Ho else: beta_0 = (0.028*(Ho/L_o)**-0.38 * np.exp(20*np.tan(slope_foreshore)**1.5)) beta_1 = 0.52 * np.exp(4.2*np.tan(slope_foreshore)) beta_max = max([0.92, (0.32*(Ho/L_o)**-0.29 * np.exp(2.4*np.tan(slope_foreshore)))]) beta_0_star = (0.052*(Ho/L_o)**-0.38 * np.exp(20*np.tan(slope_foreshore)**1.5)) beta_1_star = 0.63 * np.exp(3.8*np.tan(slope_foreshore)) beta_max_star = max([1.65, (0.53*(Ho/L_o)**-0.29 * np.exp(2.4*np.tan(slope_foreshore)))]) H13 = min([beta_0*Ho + beta_1*h, beta_max*Ho, Ks*Ho]) # water depth at a location of 5x H1/3 hb = h + 5 * np.tan(slope_foreshore) * H13 Hmax = min([beta_0_star*Ho + beta_1_star*hb, beta_max_star*Ho, factor*Ks*Ho]) return H13, Hmax
[docs]class Goda: """ Compute wave pressure with the extended Goda formula (Takahasi, 2002) Goda (1992) analysed many of the successful and unsuccessful monolithic breakwaters and developed a practical formula that can be used to analyse the stability of monolithic breakwaters. The formula developed by Goda was not meant to compute the pressures for breaking waves (impulsive conditions), therefore Takahasi (2002) included an impulsive pressure coefficient in the formula. .. warning:: Goda (1992) advices to avoid impulsive pressures when designing monolithic breakwaters. Parameters ---------- Hs : float mean of the highest 1/3 of the wave heights [m]. Hmax : float design wave height, equal to the mean of the highest 1/250 of the wave heights [m]. h : float water depth [m] d : float water depth in front of the caisson, on top of the foundation [m] h_acc : float submerged depth of the caisson [m] hc : float height of the caisson above the water line [m] Bm : float width of the berm [m] T : float wave period, Goda (2000) advises to use :math:`T_{1/3}` [s] beta : float angle between direction of wave approach and a line normal to the breakwater [rad] rho : float density of water [kg/m³] slope_foreshore : float slope of the foreshore [rad] B : float, optional, default: None width of the monolithic breakwater [m] lambda_ : list, optional, default: [1, 1, 1] modification factors of Takahasi (2002) for alternative monolithic breakwater. Input must be \\lambda_= [:math:`\\lambda_1, \\lambda_2, \\lambda_3`]. logger : dict, optional, default: None dict to log messages, must have keys 'INFO' and 'WARNINGS' Attributes ---------- hb : float offshore water depth at a distance of five times Hs (=H13) [m] L : float wave length computed with the dispersion relation [m] eta_star : float the elevation to which the wave pressure is exerted [m] p1, p3, p4 : floats representative wave pressure intensities [Pa] pu : float uplift pressure [Pa] h_c_star : float elevation to which the wave pressure is exerted on the caisson, minimum value of hc and eta_star [m] B : float width of the monolithic breakwater [m]. None by default so it can be computed with :py:meth:`required_width` """ def __init__( self, Hs, Hmax, h, d, h_acc, hc, Bm, T, beta, rho, slope_foreshore, B=None, lambda_=[1,1,1], logger=None): """ See help(Goda) for more info """ # set dimensions as private variables self._h = h self._d = d self._h_acc = h_acc self._hc = hc self.rho = rho self.B = B # water depth at a location of 5x H1/3 self.hb = h + 5 * np.tan(slope_foreshore) * Hs # compute the wave length with the dispersion relation self.L = dispersion(T=T, h=self._h) # compute wave pressure coefficients (Goda, 2000) alpha_1 = (0.6 + 0.5*((4*np.pi*self._h/self.L) / np.sinh(4*np.pi*self._h/self.L))**2) alpha_2 = min([(self.hb-self._d)/(3*self.hb)*(Hmax/self._d)**2, 2*self._d/Hmax]) alpha_3 = 1 - self._h_acc/self._h * (1-1/np.cosh(2*np.pi*self._h/self.L)) # check for impulsive pressures and adjust alpha_2 if needed alpha_I = self._impulsive_pressure(Bm=Bm, Hmax=Hmax) if alpha_I >= alpha_2: alpha_star = alpha_I user_warning( ('Encountered impulsive conditions in Goda formula, it\'s ' 'recommended to change the dimensions of the structure ' '(Goda, 2000)')) else: alpha_star = alpha_2 if logger is not None: logger['INFO'].append( 'no impulisve conditions in Goda formula') # Compute the elevation to which the wave pressure is exerted self.eta_star = 0.75*(1 + np.cos(beta))*lambda_[0]*Hmax # Compute the wave pressures self.p1 = (0.5*(1 + np.cos(beta)) * (lambda_[0]*alpha_1 + lambda_[1]*alpha_star*np.cos(beta)**2) * self.rho*9.81*Hmax) self.p3 = alpha_3*self.p1 if self.eta_star > self._hc: self.p4 = self.p1*(1-self._hc/self.eta_star) else: self.p4 = 0 self.pu = (0.5*(1 + np.cos(beta)) * lambda_[2]*alpha_1*alpha_3*self.rho*9.81*Hmax) # Determine h_c_star self.h_c_star = min([self.eta_star, self._hc]) @property def _width(self): """ Private property of the width to check if B can be returned """ if self.B is None: # B was not specified, or has not yet been computed # raise error raise InputError( ('B is not specified as an argument, use required_width() to ' 'compute the required width of the caisson or specify B as ' 'an argument')) else: # B can be returned return self.B def _impulsive_pressure(self, Bm, Hmax): """ Compute impulsive wave pressure coefficient Computes the impulsive wave pressure coefficient of the extended Goda formula (Takahasi, 2002) """ delta_11 = (0.93*(Bm/self.L-0.12) + 0.36*((self._h-self._d)/self._h-0.6)) delta_22 = (-0.36*(Bm/self.L-0.12) + 0.93*((self._h-self._d)/self._h-0.6)) if delta_11 <= 0: delta_1 = 20*delta_11 else: delta_1 = 15*delta_11 if delta_22 <= 0: alpha_I1 = np.cos(4.9*delta_22)/np.cosh(delta_1) else: alpha_I1 = 1/(np.cosh(delta_1)*np.sqrt(np.cosh(3*delta_22))) if Hmax <= 2*self._d: alpha_I0 = Hmax/self._d else: alpha_I0 = 2 alpha_I = alpha_I0*alpha_I1 return alpha_I def _pressure_centroid(self): """ Compute the centroid of the pressure Reference of the centroid is the lower right of the pressure """ # compute total area A_tot = self.p1 * (self._hc + self._h_acc) # compute areas to subtract from total area A1 = 0.5 * (self.p1 - self.p4) * self._hc A2 = 0.5 * (self.p1 - self.p3) * self._h_acc # compute centroid of each area, reference is lower right y_C_tot = 0.5 * (self._hc + self._h_acc) y_C1 = self._h_acc + 2/3 * self._hc y_C2 = 1/3 * self._h_acc # compute centroid of pressures y = (A_tot*y_C_tot - A1*y_C1 - A2*y_C2)/(A_tot - A1 - A2) return y def _dFv(self, M): """ Compute net vertical force """ # compute net vertical force, down is positive return M*9.81 - self.U()
[docs] def effective_width(self, M): """ Compute the effective width The effective width must be used for geotechnical computations, due to the fact that the net vertical force of the caisson is eccentric. Parameters ---------- M : float mass of the caisson [kg] Returns ------- float the effective width [m] """ return self._width - 2 * self.eccentricity(M)
[docs] def eccentricity(self, M): """ Compute the eccentricity of the net vertical force Parameters ---------- M : float mass of the caisson [kg] Returns ------- float eccentricity of the net vertical force [m] """ # compute and return eccentricity of the net vertical force return self.Ma()/self._dFv(M)
[docs] def P(self): """ Compute horizontal force due to the pressure Returns ------- float horizontal force due to the pressures [Pa] """ P = (0.5*(self.p1+self.p3)*self._h_acc + 0.5*(self.p1+self.p4)*self.h_c_star) return P
[docs] def Mp(self): """ Compute moment at the heel due to the pressure Returns ------- float moment around the heel due to the horizontal pressures [Nm] """ Mp = (1/6 * (2*self.p1 + self.p3)*self._h_acc**2 + 0.5*(self.p1 + self.p4)*self._h_acc*self.h_c_star + 1/6 * (self.p1 + 2*self.p4)*self.h_c_star**2) return Mp
[docs] def U(self): """ Compute force due to the uplift pressure Returns ------- float vertical uplift pressure [Pa] """ return 0.5*self.pu*self._width
[docs] def Mu(self): """ Compute moment at the heel due to the uplift Returns ------- float moment around the heel due to the uplift pressure [Nm] """ return 2/3* self.U() * self._width
[docs] def Ma(self): """ Compute the moment around the center of the caisson .. warning:: This method assumes a symmetric caisson Returns ------- float moment around the center of the caisson [Nm] """ # compute and return moment, clockwise is positive return self.U() * self._width/6 + self.P() * self._pressure_centroid()
[docs] def required_mass( self, mu, t=0.5, SF_sliding=1.2, SF_turning=1.2, logger=None): """ Compute required mass of the monolithic breakwater Compute the minimal required mass of the monolithic breakwater based on the failure mechanisms sliding and overturning. .. math:: M_{sliding} = \\frac{P SF_{sliding}}{g \\mu} + \\frac{U}{g} + \\rho B h' .. math:: M_{turning} = \\frac{M_p SF_{turning}}{g t} + \\frac{M_u}{g t} + \\rho B h' Parameters ---------- mu : float friction factor between the caisson and the foundation [-] t : scalar, optional, default: 0.5 horizontal distance to the centre of gravity [m] SF_sliding : float, optional, default: 1.2 safety factor against sliding. Default value according to Goda (2000) SF_turning : float, optional, default: 1.2 safety factor against sliding. Default value according to Goda (2000) logger : dict, optional, default: None dict to log messages, must have keys 'INFO' and 'WARNINGS' Returns ------- mass : float minimal required mass per meter length to satisfy the safety factors [kg/m] """ t = t*self._width # Compute forces and moments P = self.P() Mp = self.Mp() U = self.U() Mu = self.Mu() # Compute the required mass for sliding and turning mass_sliding = (P*SF_sliding/(9.81*mu) + U/9.81 + self.rho*self._width*self._h_acc) mass_turning = (Mp*SF_turning/(9.81*t) + Mu/(t*9.81) + self.rho*self._width*self._h_acc) # normative mass is largest mass of the two if mass_sliding >= mass_turning: mass_required = mass_sliding if logger is not None: logger['INFO'].append( ('safety factor for sliding is normative for the ' 'computation of the mass')) else: mass_required = mass_turning if logger is not None: logger['INFO'].append( ('safety factor for overtuning is normative for the ' 'computation of the mass')) return mass_required
[docs] def required_width( self, Pc, rho_c, rho_f, rho_w, mu, t=0.5, SF_sliding=1.2, SF_turning=1.2, logger=None): """ Compute the required width of the monolithic breakwater Compute the minimal required width of the monolithic breakwater based on the failure mechanisms sliding and overturning. Parameters ---------- Pc : float contribution of concrete to the total mass of the caisson. value between 0 and 1 rho_c : float density of concrete [kg/m³] rho_f : float density of the fill material, for instance sand [kg/m³] rho_w : float density of water [kg/m³] mu : float friction factor between the caisson and the foundation [-] t : scalar, optional, default: 0.5 horizontal distance to the centre of gravity [m] SF_sliding : float, optional, default: 1.2 safety factor against sliding. Default value according to Goda (2000) SF_turning : float, optional, default: 1.2 safety factor against sliding. Default value according to Goda (2000) logger : dict, optional, default: None dict to log messages, must have keys 'INFO' and 'WARNINGS' Returns ------- B : float minimal required width to satisfy the safety factors [m] """ # Compute horizontal force and moment due to this force P = self.P() Mp = self.Mp() # contribution of the fill material to the total mass Pf = 1 - Pc # compute the mass per meter length and width m_acc = (self._hc * (Pf*rho_f + Pc*rho_c) + self._h_acc * (Pf*(rho_f-rho_w) + Pc*(rho_c-rho_w))) # compute the minimal required width for sliding and overturning B_sliding = 2*SF_sliding*P/(mu*(2*m_acc*9.81 - self.pu)) B_turning = np.sqrt(SF_turning*Mp / (0.5*m_acc*9.81 - (2*t/3)*self.pu)) # normative value is largest required width if B_sliding >= B_turning: B_required = B_sliding if logger is not None: logger['INFO'].append( ('safety factor for sliding is normative for the ' 'computation of the width')) else: B_required = B_turning if logger is not None: logger['INFO'].append( ('safety factor for overtuning is normative for the ' 'computation of the width')) # update attribute, first check if one wass specified if self.B is not None: # B was not None, show warning user_warning( f'B was given as {self.B}, now changed to {B_required}') # update B self.B = B_required return B_required
[docs] def bearing_pressure_width(self, B1, Pc, rho_c, rho_fill, pe_max, t=0.5): """ Compute the required width for the bearing pressure Method uses fsolve from scipy to compute the width that satisfy the maximum bearing pressure of the foundation. Parameters ---------- B1 : float first estimate for the width [m] Pc : float contribution of concrete to the total mass of the caisson. value between 0 and 1 rho_c : float density of concrete [kg/m³] rho_f : float density of the fill material, for instance sand [kg/m³] pe_max : float maximum value of the bearing pressure at the heel of the caisson. Goda (2000) advises a value between 400 and 500 kPa. t : scalar, optional, default: 0.5 horizontal distance to the centre of gravity [m] Returns ------- float required width for the maximum bearing pressure [m] """ # define lambda function for fsolve and compute new width func = lambda B: (self.bearing_pressure( B=B, Pc=Pc, rho_c=rho_c, rho_fill=rho_fill) - pe_max*1000) B = fsolve(func, B1, xtol=0.02)[0] # update attribute self.B = B return B
[docs] def bearing_pressure(self, Pc, rho_c, rho_fill, t=0.5, B=None): """ compute the bearing pressure at the heel Method to compute the bearing pressure at the heel of the caisson. .. math:: p_{e}=\\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll} \\frac{2 W_{e}}{3 t_{e}} & : t_{e} \\leq \\frac{1}{3} B \\\ \\frac{2 W_{e}}{B}\\left(2-3 \\frac{t_{e}}{B}\\right) & : t_{e}>\\frac{1}{3} B \\end{array}\\right. in which: .. math:: t_{e}=\\frac{M_{e}}{W_{e}}, \\quad M_{e}=M g t-M_{U}-M_{p}, \\quad W_{e}=M g-U Parameters ------- Pc : float contribution of concrete to the total mass of the caisson. value between 0 and 1 rho_c : float density of concrete [kg/m³] rho_f : float density of the fill material, for instance sand [kg/m³] t : scalar, optional, default: 0.5 horizontal distance to the centre of gravity [m] B : float, optional, default: None width of the monolithic breakwater [m], used with :py:meth:`bearing_pressure_width` to compute the required width to satisfy the maximum bearing pressure. Returns ------- pe : float the bearing pressure at the heel of the caisson [Pa] """ if B is None: # get the width B = self._width # compute the mass of the structure M = self.mass(Pc=Pc, rho_c=rho_c, rho_fill=rho_fill) W = (M - self.rho*B*self._h_acc) * 9.81 We = W - self.U() Me = W*t*B - self.Mu() - self.Mp() te = Me/We # compute bearing pressure if te <= B/3: pe = 2*We/(3*te) else: pe = 2*We/B * (2 - 3*te/B) return pe
[docs] def mass(self, Pc, rho_c, rho_fill): """ Compute the mass of the caisson Parameters ---------- Pc : float contribution of concrete to the total mass of the caisson. value between 0 and 1 rho_c : float density of concrete [kg/m³] rho_f : float density of the fill material, for instance sand [kg/m³] Returns ------- m : float minimal required mass per meter length to satisfy the safety factors [kg/m] """ # compute area A = self._width * (self._h_acc + self._hc) # compute the mass M = A*Pc*rho_c + A*(1-Pc)*rho_fill return M
[docs] def plot(self): """ Plot pressure distribution Plots the pressure distribution together with the dimensions of the monolithic breakwater. .. warning:: Do not read the dimensions of the monolithic breakwater from the axes of the figure. The correct dimensions of the monolithic breakwater can be read from the figure. """ # get the width B = self._width p = np.array([self.p3, self.p1, self.p1-self.p1*self._hc/self.eta_star])/1000 y = np.array([0, self._h_acc, self._h_acc+self._hc]) x = np.array([0, B]) pu = np.array([self.pu, 0])/1000 # scale the size of the caisson with the pressure scale = np.max(p)/np.max(y) y = y*scale x = x*scale # plot the caisson and wlev plt.vlines(x=0, ymin=0, ymax=-y[2], linewidth=2) plt.vlines(x=-x[1], ymin=0, ymax=-y[2], linewidth=2) plt.hlines(y=0, xmin=0, xmax=-x[1], linewidth=2) plt.hlines(y=-y[2], xmin=0, xmax=-x[1], linewidth=2) plt.hlines(y=-self._h_acc*scale, xmin=np.max(p)*1.3, xmax=0, color='b') # plot dimensions of the caisson plt.text( x=(-x[1]/2)*1.1, y=(-y[2]/2)*1.03, s=f'B = {np.round(B, 1)} m') plt.arrow(x=-x[1]/2, y=-y[2]/2, dx=x[1]/2, dy=0, head_width=4, head_length=4, color='gray', length_includes_head=True) plt.arrow(x=-x[1]/2, y=-y[2]/2, dx=-x[1]/2, dy=0, head_width=4, head_length=4, color='gray', length_includes_head=True) plt.text(x=(-x[1]/2)*0.9, y=(-y[2]/2)*1.1, s=f'L = {np.round(y[2]/scale, 2)} m', rotation=90) plt.arrow(x=-x[1]/2, y=-y[2]/2, dx=0, dy=-y[2]/2, head_width=4, head_length=4, color='gray', length_includes_head=True) plt.arrow(x=-x[1]/2, y=-y[2]/2, dx=0, dy=y[2]/2, head_width=4, head_length=4, color='gray', length_includes_head=True) # plot pressure distributions plt.hlines(y=0, xmin=0, xmax=p[0], color='deepskyblue') plt.hlines(y=-y[2], xmin=0, xmax=p[2], color='deepskyblue') plt.plot(p, -y, color='deepskyblue') plt.vlines(x=0, ymin=0, ymax=pu[0], color='deepskyblue') plt.plot(-x, pu, color='deepskyblue') # hide negative ticks xticks = [xtick for xtick in plt.gca().get_xticks() if xtick >= 0] yticks = [ytick for ytick in plt.gca().get_yticks() if ytick >= 0] plt.gca().set_xticks(xticks) plt.gca().set_yticks(yticks) # invert axes plt.xlim(np.max(p)*1.3, -np.max(x)-5) plt.ylim(np.max(pu)+5, -np.max(y)-5) # add title and label plt.title('Pressure distributions computed with Goda (2000)') plt.xlabel('Pressure [kPa]') plt.ylabel('Pressure [kPa]') # add grid and show plot plt.grid()